- symmetric periodic solutions 对称周期解
- The mathematicians turned to culling periodic solutions. 数学家们转而去挑选周期解。
- Existence of almost periodic solutions for a class of pendular equations. 一类摆动方程概周期解的存在性。
- An existence theorem is obtained for the periodic solutions of Lagrangian systems by the least action principle. 用极小作用原理得到了非自治Lagrange系统周期解的一个存在性定理.
- The existence of periodic solutions of a neutral integro-differential equation with infinite delay was studied. 摘要本文考虑具无穷时滞中立型积分微分方程周期解的存在性。
- A energy iteration method for periodic solutions to second order strongly nonlinear non-autonomous systems is suggested. 摘要给出了确定一般二阶强非线性非自治系统周期解的能量迭代方法。
- Weng,P.& Liang,M.,The existence and behaviour of periodic solutions of Hematcpoiesis model [J],Mathematica Applicate,8(1995),434-439. 黄启昌;具有无限时滞的泛函微分方程的周期解的存在性[J];中国科学;14A:10(1984);882889.
- Furthermore, the direction and stability of bifurcating periodic solutions are investigated by normal form and center manifold theory. 然后,应用规范型和中心流形理论,得到关于确定Hopf分支方向和分支周期稳定性的计算公式。
- We discuss the existence of asymptotically periodic solutions for a class of nonlinear differential equations combining dissipative type conditions. 结合耗散型条件;讨论一类非线性微分方程渐近概周期解的存在性.
- By using critical point theory,we obtain some sufficient conditions for the existence of multiple periodic solutions to a discrete Hamiltonian system. 本文利用临界点理论;建立了一类离散哈密顿系统存在多个周期解的一些充分条件.
- The existence and stability of periodic solutions of a neutral integro-differential equation with infinite delay were studied. 摘要本文考虑具无穷时滞中立型积分微分方程周期解的存在性与稳定性。
- A nonlinear Volterra integrodifferential equation is investigated. The existence and uniqueness of almost periodic solutions for the equation is obtained. 研究非线性Volterra方程概周期解,得到方程存在唯一概周期解的一组充分条件。
- The existence of periodic solutions is obtained for nonautonomous second order system with part of thenonlinearity being sublinear by using the least action principle. 运用极小值原理;在非线性项有一部分是次线性的条件下;得到所考虑问题周期解的存在性.
- Using the method of topological degree, we prove the existences of positive almost periodic solutions for a generalizaed infectious diseases model equation. 摘要给出推广的传染病方程正概周期解存在的一个定理,并用拓扑度方法给出简洁的证明。
- An existence theorem is obtained for periodic solutions of the nonautonomous second order systemswith even-typed potentials by the least action principle. 用极小作用原理得到了具有偶型位势的非自治二阶系统周期解的一个存在性定理.
- Abstract : In this paper we consider the existence, uniqueness, stability, unstability of periodic solutions to a class of differential equations with deviating aguments. 摘要 : 本文考虑一类具偏差变元的微分方程的周期解的存在性,唯一性,稳定性,不稳定性等问题。
- Baaed on the fixed point theorem of two-point extension type, sufficient conditions are derived for the existence of positive periodic solutions of delay difference equations. 摘要利用两点拉伸型不动点定理给出一阶时滞差分方程周期解存在性的充分条件。
- The existence and stability of co-exist periodic solutions are investigated by using the bifurcation theory, the implicit function theorem and the method of asymptotic expansion. 运用分歧理论、隐函数定理以及渐近展开的方法,获得了共存周期解的存在性与稳定性的结果。
- The existence of periodic solutions for a class of impulsive differential equations of mixed type is studied by constructing periodic sequence solutions of difference equations. 通过构造差分方程的周期序列解,研究了一类混合型脉冲微分方程周期解的存在性.
- By Hurwitz criterion, we prove the existence and local stabilities of the positive periodic solution. 利用Hurwitz判据得到了地方病平衡点的存在性及局部稳定性。