- In Chapter 2, a sort of parallel multisplitting methods for solving consistent singular symmetric positive semidefinite linear system is presented using analogously diagonally compensated reduction. 在第二章中,利用类似于对角补偿约化的方法[2],我们给出了求解奇异相容对称半正定线性方程组的一类并行多重分裂迭代方法。
- Finally, we extend the support theory of symmetric positive definite matrices to general (including indefinite and nonsymmetric) matrices. 最后,我们将适用于对称正定矩阵的支撑理论推广到一般的矩阵(包括不定的和非对称的矩阵)。
- To establish a Chinese global positioning system. 建立中国本身的全球定位系统。
- This paper is concerned with the problem of real symmetric positive semidefinite matrix pencil under spectral restriction. 本文讨论谱约束下实对称半正定矩阵束的最佳逼近问题,指出一般算法。
- WiTrack - positioning system monitoring and tracking WiFi devices. 卫星定位系统的监测和跟踪的无线设备。
- Progress in Global Positioning System (GPS) Modernization of U.S. 美国全球定位系统GPS现代化进展
- Furthermore, if F(x) is B -differentiable at a solution x * of F(x) =0 and BF(x* ) is symmetric nonsingular (BF(x* ) is symmetric positive definite for DFP method), q-superlinear convergence is proven for PSB and DFP methods. 若更进一步假设F(x)在解x~*处是B可微的(即BF(x~*)存在),且BF(x~*)对称非奇异(对DFP方法还需假设BF(x~*)正定),还证明了PSB方法及DFP方法的q~-超线性收敛性。
- An algorithm for solving linear equations, the paper shown strong Stability algorithms on the class of non-singular symmetric matrices and on the class symmetric positive definite matrices. 摘要关于线性方程解的算法方面,本文在对称非奇异矩阵类和对称正定矩阵类上给出了强稳定性算法。
- Support theory is a mathematical framework to analyze extreme eigenvalues and condition numbers of preconditioned systems and is developed with symmetric positive definite (spd) systems at first. 支撑理论是一个用于分析预处理方程组的最大(或最小)特征值和条件数的 代数架构,它最初产生于对称正定的线性方程组。
- The deal to the Russian system is the world's second global positioning system. 俄罗斯的格洛纳斯系统是世界上第二套全球定位系统。
- Global Positing System (GPS) technology has been widely used in many field . 全球定位系统(GPS)技术已经在许多领域得到广泛的应用。
- This method may be applied to MEO satellite navigation and position system. 该方法可以应用于MEO卫星导航定位系统中。
- And also giving the positioning system technology and the key solution. 并阐述了该机械手定位系统的关键技术和解决方案。
- To establish an independent satellite navigation and positioning system. 建立自主的卫星导航定位系统。
- part symmetric positive semidefinite matrix 部分对称半正定矩阵
- real symmetric positive definite matrix 实对称正定矩阵
- Symmetric positive definite matrix 对称正定矩阵
- There is positive proof that he did it. 有确切的证据证明他做了此事。
- symmetric positive definite solution 对称正定解