- An obsessive impulse to steal regardless of economic need, usually arising from an unconscious symbolic value associated with the stolen item. 偷窃狂一种不考虑经济需要的持续的要去偷窃的神经冲动,通常由与被偷窃的物品相关的无意识的象征性价值引起
- That building should be preserved because of its beauty, symbolic value, and intrinsic interest. 这个建筑应该受到保护,因为它外形美观,既有象征意义,又有内在价值。
- This thesis use economics theory to open up the process of symbolic value, use symbol theory to analysis successful cases as Nike. 本文借用经济学原理来揭示符号价值产生的过程,用符号学理论分析了nike等品牌塑造品牌价值的成功例子。
- A symbol is a resource identifier (ID) that consists of two parts: a text string (symbol name) mapped to an integer value (symbol value). 符号是资源标识符(ID),由两部分组成:文本字符串(符号名)及其映射的整数值(符号值)。
- The symbolic value of a law enshrining private-property rights in a country that is still nominally communist has sparked a heated debate over China's identity. 在中国这样一个仍由共产党执政的国家出台一部明确保护私有产权的法律,其所具有的象征意义引发了各方对中国是否已偏离了社会主义道路的激烈争论。
- Near the small city of Yingtan is the resort area Longhushan which purports to be the birthplace of Taoism and hence has great symbolic value to Taoists. 在小城市鹰潭附近,有龙虎山度假区。龙虎山据说是道教的发源地,因此这里对道教来说有重要的象征意义。
- The collectors could not cope with the number of voluntary contributions from all the houses, above all the wedding rings, as esteemed for their real price as for their symbolic value. 各家捐献品之多,以至征集人员都无法统计具体数目,特别是其中有无数实际价值和象征价值一样珍贵的结婚戒指。
- A method for constructing multiway decision tree based on quantized feature values (such as interval values, discrete values and symbolic values) is proposed. 本文提出一种基于特征量化值(区间值,离散值或符号值)的多元分类树的构造方法。
- We also assume that the letter keys have consecutive key symbol values, or else the range checking tricks and the key symbol to ASCII code translations wouldn't have worked. 我们假定字母键有连续的符号值,否则范围检查的技巧与按键符号到ASCII代码之间的翻译将不能正常工作。
- A little crack detracts from the value of the vase. 小小的裂痕减损那个花瓶的价值。
- The cross is symbolic of Christianity. 十字架是基督教的象徵。
- I set a high value on his advice. 我认为他的忠告很有价值。
- The chemical symbol for copper is "Cu". 铜的化学符号是Cu。
- The value of your assistance is inestimable. 阁下鼎立相助之功不可胜言。
- On maps, a cross is the symbol for a church. 在地图上,十字符号代表教堂。
- I am doubtful about the value of your proposal. 我怀疑你的提议是否有价值。
- I can take nothing you say at face value. 我不会把你说的话当真的。
- The experience gained will be of great value to us. 所取得的经验对我们有很大价值。
- ecological hypothesis of symbolic values 象征价值的区位假说
- A bauble is a showy ornament of little value. 廉价珠宝是华而不实的装饰品。