- Since his illness. He has had to swear off tennis. 他自从患病以来不得不停止打网球。
- I've decided to swear off smoking. 我已宣布戒烟了。
- Uncle George swore off gambling, drinking and womanizing. 乔治叔叔发誓戒赌、戒酒、戒女色。
- Jim swore off candy until he lost twenty pounds. 吉姆发誓减轻体重20磅后才吃糖果。
- Mary swore off candy until she lost ten pounds. 玛丽发誓,体重不减少10镑决不吃糖。
- When are you going to swear off cigarettes? 你打算什么时候发誓戒烟?
- I' ve decided to swear off smoking. 我已宣布戒烟了.
- I think I'm gonna swear off girls for a while. 不过我有一阵不会交女朋友了。
- He swore off smoking when the doctors said it caused lung cancer. 在医生们说抽烟会引起肺癌时,他发奋要戒烟。
- After those months of treatment, he swore off drugs completely. 经过数月的治疗, 他已彻底戒掉了毒品。
- She swore off all fried foods for the next couple of months. 她发誓在未来几个月戒除所有油炸食品。
- Life would be easier, if only her husbandwould swear off gambling. 只要她丈夫发誓戒掉赌博,生活就不会那么艰难了。
- Life would be easier, if only her husband would swear off gambling. 只要她丈夫发誓戒掉赌博,生活就不会那么艰难了。
- He swore off smoking when the doctors said it would cause lung cancer. 在医生们说抽烟会引起肺癌时,他发奋要戒烟。
- But swearing off a certain kind of girl. - Meaning? 但是有些女孩是绝对不会作为女朋友的-你的意思是?
- Since his illness, he has sworn off drinking. 生病之后,他已发誓戒酒。
- I have sworn off cigarettes altogether. 我已发誓完全地戒除烟。
- When his friend got killed in one of the aforementioned barfights, he swore off the liquor, and became a pacifist. 有一次他的一个朋友在前述的斗殴中身亡,他因此发誓戒酒,成了个和平主义者。
- No, I won't have a drink, thanks. I've sworn off them on them on doctor's orders. 我不再喝酒了,谢谢。我已按医生的命令发誓戒酒了。
- To swear off making mistakes is very easy.All you have to do is swear off having ideas. 不想犯错?只要不再去想好的创意点子就行了。