- swollen and rigid tongue 木舌胀
- His eyes were swollen and his head asleep. 他的眼睛浮肿,脑袋昏沉。
- The wild boar lay stiff and rigid after being shot. 中枪的野猪挣扎了一会后就僵卧在地上,一动不动了。
- Sometimes it is swollen and is very painful. 有时候会肿起来而且很痛。
- I have so many swollen and itchy mosquito bites. 我被蚊子咬了这么多包,又肿又痒。
- As a group they had a forbidding and rigid quality. 他们聚在一起,自有一股森然的峻厉之气。
- By those who,bickering, mistrust and rigid. 被那些,争吵、猜疑、僵化。
- The vegetable world begins to move and swell and the saps to rise. 植物世界开始萌动、壮大、生气盎然。
- Regional lymph nodes become swollen and eventually ulcerate. 局部淋巴结先是肿胀而最后发生溃疡。
- After I hung up the phone, I felt my tense and rigid body relax. 放下电话后,我那僵硬紧张的身体整个就松了下来。
- Even the coconut trees seemed swollen and expectant. 连椰子树都似乎憋得头昏脑胀,巴望能舒上一口气。
- Even the base of the ear lobe is swollen and I feel a dull pain. 连耳根都肿了,而且我觉得闷痛。
- A part of my cheek suddenly becomes swollen and painful. 我的部份面颊突然浮肿而痛。
- Her head felt swollen and she winced even when she turned her eyes. 她的脑袋仿佛已经肿起来,连眼睛动一动也会发晕的。
- My gums are swollen and they bleed when I brush my teeth. 牙龈肿了,当我刷牙时就会流血。
- The birds' wing was swollen and the primaries missing. 鸟儿的翅膀肿了,前翅不见了。
- His tonsils are swollen and red. His tongue is as red as a strawberry. There is a rash all over his body. 他的扁桃体又红又肿,他的舌头红得象草莓一样。全身都起了疹子。
- Don, your eyes are all swollen and puffy. Have you been crying? 今天你的眼睛全部肿起来了,你哭了吗?
- Trinket was suffocating.His face was swollen and purple, his tongue was protruding from his mouth. 韦小宝给他扠得透不过气来,满脸紫胀,伸出了舌头。
- Cook the lentils for 20 minutes until they swell and soften. 把小扁豆煮20分钟,煮到涨大变软。