- I groped for the light switch in the dark room. 我在黑暗的房间里摸索着找电灯开关。
- Point through which the incoming traffic flow enters a switching stage. 输入通信量流进入交换站(台)所通过的地方。
- I grope for the light switch in the dark room. 我在黑洞洞的屋里摸索著寻找电灯开关。
- A free flow of water came from the pipe. 水从管道里通畅地流了出来。
- The switch on the kettle won't stay down. 这个水壶上的开关按下时卡不住了。
- In convection, hot currents flow upwards. 在对流中热气流向上运动。
- I switch off when he starts talking about cars. 他一谈起汽车我就厌烦。
- After several pumps, the water began to flow. 用泵抽了几下之后,水流出来了。
- Polls showed a switch to Labour. 民意测验表明形势转而对工党有利。
- No, hold it a second, switch that to roast chicken. 不,等一等,把那个换成烤子鸡。
- Long lectures really switch me off. 我觉得冗长的演讲很烦人。
- A flow of word is no proof of wisdom. 口若悬河,未必明智。
- Can we switch over? Here is too hot. 咱们换换地方?这里太热了。
- Several conclusions flow from this hypothesis. 从这项假设中可以得出几个结论。
- Many benefits will flow from this discovery. 这项发现将带来许多好处。
- Turn the cock to increase the flow of water. 请开大龙头以增加水流量。
- Office politics just seem to flow over him. 同事之间互相倾轧、 勾心斗角的事似乎并未波及到他。
- Derek, I wish you'd keep that radio switch off. 德里克,我希望你把收音机关了。
- The business has a cash flow of£50000 a month. 这家商行的现金流转为每月五万英镑。
- Hang on, please. I'll switch you to the manager. 请不要挂断电话。我给你转接到经理那儿去。