- switched capacitor amplifier 开关电容放大器
- Switched capacitor( SC) unit delayer, positive negative proportors and adder were designed using two phase clocks. 用二相时钟设计了对寄生电容低灵敏的开关电容单位延时器、负比例器和加法器.
- Abstract: Thyristor switched capacitor(TSC)is a new direction of the static var compensator(SVC)technology. 摘要: 晶闸管投切电容器(TSC)是静止无功补偿技术的发展方向。
- An expert system for bandpass switched capacitor filter design has been built by means of refering a lot of present literatures. 本文在参考大量现有文献的基础上,建立了一个用于设计带通开关电 容滤波器的专家系统。
- Through inductor optimization,the VCO has a low phase noise and a wide tuning range with switched capacitor array and NMOS varactor. 通过优化集成电感的设计,同时采用NMOS管和开关电容阵列作为可变电容,使该设计具有较低的相位噪声和较宽的调谐范围。
- OTA bandwidth and current can be obtained through settling time formula of switched capacitor integrator to optimize power. 根据积分器的建立时间关系式确定出合适的OTA 带宽以及电流达到优化功耗设计。
- In order to divide the signal frequency band in detail and raise the frequency distinguish ability, the anti alias filter is made by using a integrated switched capacitor filter. 为了对信号频率段进行细分 ,以提高频率分辨率 ,采用集成开关电容滤波器制作抗混滤波器。
- Combining with the design of 8th-order elliptic lowpass filter,a valid computer-aided method to design switched capacitor filters is discussed in this paper. 本文结合八阶椭圆低通滤波器的设计,讨论了开关电容滤波器计算机辅助设计的一种有效方法。
- A Switched Capacitor Operational Amplifier Common Mode Feedback Circuit 一种动态开关电容运算放大器共模负反馈电路
- The action and demand of the anti alias filter in the system arerecounted. After analyzing the 8-order low pass elliptic switched capacitor filter (MAX293), the antialias filter is developed based on it. 叙述了其中的抗混滤波器的作用与要求,并在分析8阶低通椭圆开关电容滤波器(MAX293)性能的基础上,研制了基于MAX293的抗混滤波器。
- A fault current limiter with TCSC(Thyristor Controlled Switched Capacitor) is proposed, which works as TCSC when power system works normally, otherwise works as FCL(Fault Current Limiter). 本文根据具有可控串补功能的短路限流器的拓扑结构及电力系统的特点,结合神经网络的优点,给出了神经网络的控制策略,并采用MATLAB仿真软件以大同到房山的输电线路为例对整个系统进行了仿真,得出了较满意的结果。
- Specifically, the "resonance" phenomenon is analyzed theoretically which is encountered in the making of anti alias filter by a 8th-order low pass elliptic switched capacitor filter. The analysis is proved by a experiment, and the "resonance" is avoided. 尤其对采用 8阶低通椭圆开关电容滤波器制作抗混滤波器中遇到的“共振”现象作出了理论分析 ,并通过实验得到证实 ,且予以解决。
- The expert system for the design of switched capacitor bandpass filters can work out the SCF's structures and component values automatically according to the macro-specifications of the SCF. 本专家系统能根据滤波器宏指标,自动地完成对开关 电容滤波器的详累设计。
- It is composed of a fixed capacitor and several banks of thyristor switched capacitors which are parallel with a bypass reactor controlled by GTO. 正常时,通过投切不同的电容器组,按步长的方式来控制调整线路的补偿度;故障时,则通过和旁路电感相串联的可关断晶闸管(GTO)来控制其限流程度。
- With the increasing number of switched capacitors, the topology of multi-stage resonant switched capacitor (RSC) converter is more complex with respect to that of the basic one. 由于开关电容个数的增加,高阶降压式谐振开关电容变换器较基本降压式谐振开关电容变换器的结构复杂,其潜电路现象更加丰富。
- Keywords EEG Amplifier;Driven right leg circuit;CMRR;lnstrumentation amplifier;Switched capacitor filter; 脑电放大器;右腿驱动电路;共模抑制比;仪表放大器;开关电容滤波器;
- I groped for the light switch in the dark room. 我在黑暗的房间里摸索着找电灯开关。
- I bought an amplifier yesterday. 我昨天买了一个扩音器。
- In this paper a driving system with sensorless and brushless DC motor is studied,the lowpass design method for switching capacitor is discussed in detail. 对无传感器无刷直流电机的驱动系统进行了研究,详细论述了开关电容低通滤波器的设计方法。
- resonant switched capacitor (RSC) converter 谐振开关电容变换器