- Her weight has increased to 70 kilos. 她的体重增加到了70公斤。
- swing her weightvi. 施展个人权势
- The box crushed under her weight. 那个箱子被她的重量压坏。
- Her weight is slowly coming down. 她的体重在逐渐减轻。
- She shifted her weight from one foot to the other. 她把身体的重量从一只脚换到另一只脚上。
- Her weight went up from 50 kilos to 55 kilos. 她的体重从50公斤增加到55公斤。
- Her weight has increased to eighty-one kilos. 她的体重增加到81公斤。
- She reduced her weight by 5 kilograms. 她把体重减轻了五公斤。
- Some of the girls taunted her about her weight. 有些女孩子笑她胖。
- Her doctor told her to fine down her weight. 她的医生让她减肥。
- When Jocelyn is bored in her cot, she likes to swing her feet onto the side of the fence and twists her body. 闷闷地的时候;在林就喜欢打横搭对脚上床栏;扭晒身咁.
- Jane believes in eating carefully to control her weight. 简认为要控制她的体重,就得注意饮食。
- The push of death has swung her into life. 死亡的推送把她摇晃活了。
- She takes care about her weight and how her hair looks. 她注意自己的体重和发型。
- She swung her arms as she walked. 她边走边挥舞双臂。
- She was swinging her baby in the cradle. 她在摇动摇篮里的婴儿。
- Nonetheless she swung her tail with a smile. 她摇着尾巴;依然带着微笑的表情.
- Whenever anyone teased her about her weight,she saw red. 每当有人拿她的体重开玩笑时,她就大发雷霆。
- Her weight became her yardstick for success in everything she did. 她的体重成了她衡量任何事情成功的标准。
- Whenever anyone teased her about her weight, she saw red. 每当有人拿她的体重开玩笑时,她就大发雷霆。