- He had a sweet taste of victory. 他品尝过胜利的甘甜。
- With dense fragrance of cream, light sweet taste. 浓郁奶香,微甜。
- Labour had a bitter root but a sweet taste. 劳动的根苦,但尝起来是甜的。
- The tea has sweet taste and lingering rose aroma. 由于其外观金玉交错般富丽堂皇,故名“金玉满堂”。
- The thick and sweet taste promotes salivation. 滋味醇厚甘鲜生津;
- The sweet taste of sucrose can be felt only by the tongue. 宽恕并不是一种演讲的艺术,它也是内心灵魂的宝藏。
- Shanghai food has a thick stock,a sweet taste and a natural flavor. 上海菜味浓而甜且自然。
- What sort of food would you like, peppery taste or sweet taste? 你喜欢吃什么风味的菜,辣味还是甜味?
- This chocolate is very tasty with a mellow and sweet taste. 这种巧克力的味道醇浓香甜,很好吃。
- In retrospect, really glibly is the sweet taste of sugar. 现在回想起来,真的满口是那种红薯糖的味道。
- Pure natural lichee juice, clear drops with charming and sweet taste. 纯天然荔汁,滴滴清透,丝丝娇柔。
- Shanghai food has a thick stock, a sweet taste and a natural flavor. 上海菜味浓而甜且自然。
- Sugar has a sweet taste. 糖有甜味。
- Chen Hanwei found a sweet tasting laksa! 陈汉玮发现上海叻沙是甜的?
- Well,Shanghai food distinguishes itself with a heavy sauce,a thick stock,a sweet taste and natural flavor. 哦,上海菜以酱油重、汤浓、味甜和味道天然而著称。
- Bean and fruit jelly, with cool, fragrant and sweet taste, frees you from the summer heat. 凉粉水果冻,清凉香甜解暑热。
- Since the history of mankind, the sweet taste has been much sought after, both for basic survival and for enjoyment. 从人类有史以来,甜味不管作为基本生存需要还是作为享受都被人们所追求。
- Finet chamomile whole flowers from Egypt and Poland natural light and sweet taste, is noted for its calming properties. 产自埃及和波兰的顶级洋甘菊花,自然清淡的甘甜口感,具有镇定安神的功效。
- The flesh is milk-colored, with a fine, sweet taste, and a hint of acidity closer to the core. 香梨具有解热作用,伤风感冒时食用可止咳、滋润喉咙。
- She found some bread in the cupboard and put some dulce de fiche on it.The sweet taste was really good. 她在食品柜里找到一些面包,又在上面放了点牛奶甜质调料,甜甜的味道很好。