- sweet osmanthus fruit 桂花子
- Ingredients: Lily flower, Sweet Osmanthus, Young Tea Leaves. 成分:百合花,桂花,银针茶。
- Only the fragrance of the sweet osmanthus is wafted far away. 野地的桂花飘香了,我自己也都闻到了!
- The park of sweet osmanthus is noted for its profusion of osmanthus trees. 今入桂花公园,阵阵桂香扑鼻而来。
- As such, using RAPD marker can id entify sweet osmanthus cultivars effectively. 谱带分析结果表明,利用RAPD标记可有效地鉴别桂花品种;
- The sweet osmanthus(May flower) trees are blossoming, giving off a fragrant oder; how could it be so sweet? 桂花树开花了,好香好香;怎么会这么香呢?
- Stars are twinkling in the remote cloudless sky.Whiffs of sweet osmanthus are stealthily penetrating through the air. 天边有星,远远的,还有阵阵隐隐的桂花暗暗飘扬。
- Blue sweet osmanthus garden “fast development, fast sale” the operation development pattern already around the country could succeed the duplication. 碧桂园“快速开发,快速销售”的运营开发模式已经在全国范围内得以成功复制。
- To barley, soft rice-based materials to soft white sugar, walnut, honey, Sweet Osmanthus, Greenhong si for sugar paste, sesame wrap outside. 以大麦、软米为主料,以绵白糖、核桃仁、蜂蜜、桂花、青红丝作糖馅,外裹芝麻。
- Such characteristic dishes as sweet osmanthus fried with shark fin, prawn with scallions fried and Japanese OMA abalone will make you lick your chops. 桂花翠盏炒海虎翅、双葱爆富贵虾球、还有日本极品禾麻鲍等特色菜绝对让您食指大动。
- The sky is oxford blue, the cloud is film, the word is cold, the sweet osmanthus is fragrance, See The Moon Festival once again. The moon rounder, the person lazyer. 天蔚蓝,云层薄,秋风凉,桂花香,转眼间又到了中秋。月渐圆,人渐懒。
- Zhu noded to mother.Then,he unclosed a little of the blue cloth on the bamboo basket and saw five white steamy momos with some golden sweet osmanthus on it. 小柱点点头,他掀开一点罩在竹篮子上的蓝花布,只见在那刚出笼的白馍馍上,还撒着一片黄澄澄的桂花糖呢。
- It is mainly composed of soybean and huaishan inoculated with mucor and sauce asp.After fermented and mixed up with sweet osmanthus,it becomes nourishing. 以大豆、淮山为主要原料,接种毛霉、酱油曲霉,发酵酿造,加入桂花后熟,得到了营养丰富的桂花豆豉。
- The UV-adsorption ranges of natural flowers including Magnolia denudata, sweet osmanthus, O. indicum, Helichrysum bracteatum and Flos lonicerae were relatively wide, especially for M. denudata. 白玉兰、桂花、玉蝴蝶、七彩菊、金银花等天然花卉的紫外吸收范围比较宽,特别是白玉兰。
- However does not reduce prices the estate also many, the blue sweet osmanthus garden aspect indicated that the price will not fall absolutely, will only aim at old customer some activities. 然而不降价的楼盘也不少,碧桂园方面表示,价格绝对不会下跌,只针对老客户有些活动。
- Breeding of a new large fruit and sweet osmanthus flavor longan strain 大果型桂花味石硖龙眼芽变新株系的选育
- Sweet and Sour Garlic with Sweet Osmanthus 桂花糖醋蒜
- Guangxi Red Sweet Osmanthus Exploiture Center 广西红桂花开发中心
- Fruit juices ferment if they are kept a long time. 果汁若是放置很久,就会发酵。
- The Culture of Sweet Osmanthus in China 中国的桂文化