- This sweeping generalization is the law of conservation of energy. 这一透彻的概括就是能量守恒定律。
- Still another error is to make sweeping generalizations that apply to some Christians, but not to all. 还有就是以偏概全(将只适用于某些基督徒的情况扩大化普遍化)。
- Avoid judgmental remarks or sweeping generalizations, such as, "You always turn your reports in late. 不用”评论式“或”概括式“的语言,例如:”你总是迟交报告“。
- This vast continent doesn't lend itself to sweeping generalization. 这样大一个洲,要作全面的概括是不容易的。
- Kant's conclusion is in perfect accord with Newton's diffident awareness about the limits of his knowledge, and Bacon's warning against sweeping generalizations. 康德的结论,完美地符合于牛顿对自己知识限界的认识,同时与培根对大刀阔斧通用性的警告一致。
- I begin to feel awful about my earlier sweeping generalizations - here I am, another white, rich, western asshole ready to dismiss the natives as beggars and thieves. 我开始后悔我前面笼统的概括 - 在这里,我不过是另一个白种、富有的西方混蛋,把当地人看做是乞丐和小偷。
- While respecting the opinions of others, they expect honesty , accuracy, and objectivity and are on guard against hasty judgments and sweeping generalizations. 虽尊重他人意见,但仍要求对方诚实、精确、客观。他们随时警惕贸然判断和片面概括。
- This sort of sweeping generalization may be acceptable in the 1930's. 这样的一概而论在30年代也许可以接受。
- This sort of sweeping generalization may have been acceptable in the 1930's. 这样的一概而论在30年代也许可以接受。
- This sort of sweeping generalization may have is acceptable in the 1930's. 这样的一概而论在30年代也许可以接受。
- This sort of sweeping generalization might have been acceptable in the 1930's. 这样的一概而论在30 年代也许可以接受。
- This sort of sweeping generalization night have been acceptable in the1930' s. 这样的一概而论在30年代也许可以接受。
- This sort of sweeping generalization may have been acceptable in the 1930 's. 这样的一概而论在30年代也许可以接受。
- They regard over-simplification as the original sin of the mind and have no use for the slogans, the unqualified assertions and sweeping generalizations which are the propagandist's stock-in-trade. 他们将过于简单化视为思维的原罪,他们对宣传蛊惑者们擅长的标语口号、无根据的断言和不加区别的归纳等手段无动于衷。
- Bacon must have turned over in his grave at this fallacy of the sweeping generality. 对于这种大刀阔斧的通用性,培根必定在他的坟墓里对此惊愕的翻了一个身。
- must not make sweeping generalizations 不可一概而论
- Don't leave her alone to sweep up after the party. 宴会结束后别让她一个人打扫清洁。
- Liberals sweep to victory in divided Canada. 加国选举,自由党大获全胜。
- Rise at dawn and sweep the courtyard. 黎明即起,洒扫庭除。
- She is sweeping the soot off the chimney. 她正把烟筒里的黑灰扫掉。