- Liberals sweep to victory in divided Canada. 加国选举,自由党大获全胜。
- France swept to a 6-2 win over Denmark. 法国队以 6:2 狂胜丹麦队。
- The thief posed as a chimney sweep to enter the house. 小偷装成烟囱清扫工人进了房子。
- The rescue services did the last sweep to try and find the missing boy. 救援队展开最后一次大面积搜索, 设法找到失踪的男孩。
- Don't leave her alone to sweep up after the party. 宴会结束后别让她一个人打扫清洁。
- He picked up the broom to help me sweep the floor. 他拿起扫帚帮我扫地。
- Before spud, adjust the viscosity of bentonite sweep to over80 seconds by adding Lime. 一开前,用石灰将般土浆粘度调至80秒以上。
- Be sure to sweep the room clean. 一定要把房间打扫干净。
- Before spud, adjust the viscosity of bentonite sweep to over 80 seconds by adding Lime. 一开前,用石灰将般土浆粘度调至80秒以上。
- Most observers expect the ruling Cambodian People's Party led by Prime Minister Hun Sen to sweep to an easy victory. 大部分观察人士预计,由洪森总理领导的执政党柬埔寨人民党会轻而易举地胜出。
- She was left to sweep up after the party. 聚会结束后她被留下来打扫。
- The general condition is down,and take to lie on the back after the pregnant woman urinate,and then sweep to check in the belly. 一般情况下 ,孕妇排尿后取仰卧位 ,在腹部扫查。
- Andy doesn't seem to mind. His arms sweep to the music still playing in his head. We hear a FAINT ECHO of the soaring duet. 安迪似乎并不在意,还在指挥着盘旋在脑海中的音乐。可以听到微弱的响起那激扬的二重唱。
- It is here that the position is deep,even the supersound is unable to sweep to the persons who find and account for 19.2%. 位置深在;甚至超声也无法扫查到者占19.;2%25。
- How much do all these figures stack up to? 这些数字的总和是多少?
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。
- Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. 外国侨民被要求离开该国。
- A country must have the will to repel any invader. 一个国家得有决心击退任何入侵者。
- He swept to victory in the final of the championship. 他在锦标赛的决赛中轻而易举地获胜。
- Swimming is the best way to tone up your body. 游泳是健体强身的最好方法。