- The mind of man is agitated by various emotions. 人心能为各种不同的情感所鼓舞。
- sway the minds of men 动摇人心
- The mind of a man is agitated by various emotions . 人心能为各种不同的感情所激动。
- The mind of a man is agitated by various emotions. 人心能为各种不同的感情所激动。
- The Puritans' definition: Conscience is the mind of man passing moral judgment. 清教徒对良心的定义:良心是人的理智作出道德判断。
- He had the body of a man and the mind of a child. 他四肢发达,头脑简单。
- The idea was gradually instilled in the mind of the young prince. 那种思想已逐渐灌输到了年幼的王子的头脑中。
- The terrible disaster has fastened itself on the mind of little Jones. 这场可怕的空难深深地印在小琼斯的脑中。
- BARACK OBAMA and John McCain have spent much of the past year quarrelling about when and how the United States should leave Iraq, hoping to sway the minds of millions of American voters. 去年,奥巴马和卖凯恩一直就美国何时,如何撤出伊拉克这一问题争论不休,希望以此影响数百万美国选民的观点。
- He was at that period of life when the mind of men who think is composed, in nearly equal parts, of depth and ingenuousness. 他现在处于人生中深沉和天真几乎相等各占思想一半的时期。
- I drive across the lacy structure of steel which spans the East River,and I get a new and startling vision of the power and ingenuity of the mind of man. 我驾车通过那跨越东河的带花边的钢铁建筑,从而对人类头脑的独创性和威力获得一个新的令人震惊的视觉。
- The HOLY BIBLE contains the mind of God, the state of man, the way of salvation, the doom of sinners, and the happiness of believers. 神圣的圣经包含上帝的意思,人的境况,救恩的方法,罪人的厄运,和信徒的幸福。
- Until the minds of men become united, no important matter can be accomplished. 在人们的心团结之前,任何重要的事情都做不成。
- The idea exists only in the minds of poets. 这种想法是诗人才有的。
- I drive across the lacy structure of steel which spans the East River,I get a newstartling vision of the poweringenuity of the mind of man. 我驾车通过那跨越东河的带花边的钢铁建筑,从而对人类头脑的独创性和威力一个新的令人震惊的视觉。
- It's necessary to instil the minds of the youth with lofty ideals. 把崇高理想灌输到年青人的思想中去是很必要的。
- When the mind of Man has achieved this, he can make his ideas or thoughts come to happen as specifically desired events. 当人的心智达到这一程度,他能够操纵他的观念或者思想使特别渴望的事件得以发生。
- At the 1978 SALT peace talks, the Russian President Brezhnev suggested banning weapons “more frightful than the mind of man has ever conceived. 在1978年SALT平静的讲到,俄罗斯总统Brezhnev建议禁止武器“比人的思想更可怕的曾被持有的。”
- A common danger clears the mind of trivialities. 共同的危险使人们不再去计较细枝末节的事情。
- Andy is reclined in the chair, transported, arms fluidly conducting the music. Ecstasy and rapture. Shawshank no longer exists. It has been banished from the mind of men. 安迪斜躺在椅子上,如痴如醉,双臂挥动着指挥着音乐,全神贯注、兴高采烈。肖申克已不存在,它被人们从内心里忘却。