- A suspension of movement or progress,especially a temporary one. 停止运动或前进的停止,尤其指暂停
- A suspension of movement or progress, especially a temporary one. 停止运动或前进的停止,尤其指暂停
- Characteristic of or befitting a warrior. 勇敢的,好战的具有战士、勇士特征的或适宜于勇士的
- An advocate of or a specialist in eugenics. 优生学家优生学方面的专家或倡导者
- Hard driving over had roads will soon tell upon the suspension of the car. 在不好的路上猛开车很快就会对汽车的悬架系统造成不良的影响。
- Characteristic of or resembling an Amazon. 亚马孙族人的有亚马孙族人特点的,象亚马孙族人的
- Full of or characterized by bloodshed and violence. 血腥的充满流血或暴力的或以此为特征的
- Give way To retreat or withdraw. 退却或撤退。
- The headmaster has made a decision of suspension of a pupil from school. 校长已经做出对一名学生停学处分的决定。
- Consisting of or containing gum. 树胶的由树胶组成的或包括树胶的
- To remove or withdraw(an order). 撤消解除或撤消(一条命令)
- Would you like to deposit or withdraw something? 您要存取什么吗?
- Suspension of active hostilities;a truce. 停火暂停敌对行为;停战
- Characteristic of or resembling a Mongol. 带有蒙古人特点的或象蒙古人的
- These events have led to the suspension of talks. 这些事件导致谈判延期。
- Characteristic of or resembling spring. 春天般的或具春天特色的
- Prevention of or protective treatment for disease. 预防对疾病的防止或保护性处理
- A suspension of fine drops of a liquid in a gas. 气体中液滴的悬浮。
- Not made use of or put to advantage. 未经开发利用的没有利用的或没有使得有利的
- Suspension of active hostilities; a truce. 停火暂停敌对行为;停战