- Geological workers have spared no pains to uncover the mineral resources. 地质工作者不辞劳苦地寻找矿产资源。
- to survey the store of mineral resources 勘测地下矿产资源的蕴藏
- The country possesses rich mineral resources. 这个国家有丰富的矿产资源。
- The exploration of the mineral resources has expanded damages to the land,which is still developing. 因矿产资源开发造成的土地破坏面积大,且呈持续增长的趋势。
- A Long Way to Go-Implementing of "Going Out" Strategy on the Mineral Resources in China (Count. 我国矿产资源实施"走出去"战略任重道远(续)
- Mineral resources belong to the resources which cannot be regenerated, and the mineral resources in known mining areas will be exhausted one day. 摘要矿产资源属于不可再生的资源,已知的开发区域资源总有枯竭的一天。
- Article 7 Any foreign businessperson shall have priority right to exploit the mineral resources that have been proved by prospecting invested thereby. 第七条外商对其投资勘查探明的矿产资源,依法享有优先采矿权。
- Firstly, the system and mechanism should be reformed;thereby the mineral resources could be exploited onerously and efficiently. 首先,要坚持体制和机制的改革,实行矿产资源有偿开采,深化资源型产品的价格改革,提高资源利用效率;
- The coal industry should be "three-pronged" approach to broaden the extension of all the mineral resources development in the area. 要把煤炭行业“三管齐下”的做法延伸拓宽到所有矿产资源开发领域。
- ZHAI Y, DENG J. Outline of the mineral resources of China and their tecto nicsetting [J]. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 1996, 43: 673-685. 方维萱.;秦岭造山带古热水场地球化学类型及流体动力学模型探讨:热水沉积成矿盆地[J]
- From the vantage point of a window seat, you can survey the slums. 从靠窗座位你可以居高临下俯瞰贫民窟。
- The mineral structure features,six physical-chemistry properties and mineral resources distribution of pyrophyllite are simply intrduced in this paper. 本文简要介绍了叶蜡石的矿物结构、六大性能特点以及资源分布情况;
- In this essay some methods, technique and results of the mineral resources evaluation, which proceeded by USGS in 1990"s, are brietly introduced. 本文介绍美国地质调查局九十年代进行的矿产资源评价专项研究的方法、技术和部分评价成果。
- Not only to the study of the foundation geology, but also to the exploration of the mineral resource, the high accuracy aeromagnetic gradient survey system can provide broad application prospect. 因此引进高精度航磁梯度则量系统,无论是对今后的基础地质研究,还是矿产资源勘查等方面都有着广阔的应用前景。
- Collectively-owned mining enterprises and privately-owned mining undertakings shall raise their technical level and increase the recovery rate of the mineral resources. 集体矿山企业和个体采矿应当提高技术水平,提高矿产资源回收率。
- Little did we suspect that the district was so rich in mineral resources. 我们一点也不怀疑这个地方有这样丰富的矿藏。
- The steel worker come out in sympathy with the miner. 钢铁工人为声援矿工举行了罢工。
- Article 37 Collectively-owned mining enterprises and privately-owned mining undertakings shall raise their technical level and increase the recovery rate of the mineral resources. 第三十七条 集体矿山企业和个体采矿应当提高技术水平,提高矿产资源回收率。
- A plane was detached to survey the area. 一架飞机被派遣去搜索这个地区。
- Cold-eyed I survey the world beyond the seas. 冷眼向洋看世界