- surrounding rock destruction 围岩破坏
- It is possible to use Gurit without damaging the surrounding rock. 使用古力特炸药将完全可能不造成对围岩的破坏。
- The drilling fluid may interact with the surrounding rock in other ways. 钻井液可能会以其它方式与周围的岩石相互作用。
- If the volcano becomes inactive and cools, surrounding rock may be worn away. 如果火山变得不活动并冷却下来,围岩就可能被剥蚀掉。
- Their use made the design of roadway surrounding rock supporting safer. 这些结果的应用使巷道岩石支护的设计更趋于安全。
- A change within an intrusive igneous rock caused by the assimilation of portions of the surrounding rock. 内变质作用由于周围岩石同化作用而在侵入火成岩内部产生的变化
- The Relations Between Rockburst and Surrounding Rock Stress in Underground Chambers. 地下洞室中岩爆与围岩应力的关系。
- If the surrounding rock is soft and is later worn away, the walls remain and form ridges called dikes. 如果围岩柔软,日后又被剥蚀掉,这种岩壁就下来形成山脊,称为岩墙。
- On the Relation between Alteration of Surrounding Rock and Gold Mineralization in the Xinchen Gold Ore Deposit. 浅谈新城金矿床围岩蚀变与金矿化的关系
- The present method could make the supporting of roadway surrounding rock safe and economic. 按最优恒阻支护计算方法设计巷道支护,可以达到经济且安全的最佳支护效果。
- A small rounded lump of a mineral or mixture of minerals, usually harder than the surrounding rock or sediment. 矿的结核一种矿物或矿物混合物的小圆块,通常比表层岩石或矿渣坚硬
- The deep roadway surrounding rock of Jinchuan No.2 mine area was crumbly and had obvious creep. 金川二矿区深部巷道围岩岩石破碎,蠕变特性明显,地应力大,巷道变形严重,巷道返修量大,严重制约了矿山的发展。
- The four common surrounding rock mass classification methods,Q-system,RMR method,HC method,and BQ m. 采用Q系统、RMR分类、水电规范HC分类、国标BQ分类等4种常用围岩分类方法对该隧洞进行了围岩分类。
- the height of cover rock destruction 覆岩破坏高度
- Anchor concreting is an effective support technique to control surrounding rock deformation and keep tunnel stability. 锚杆注浆是一种行之有效的控制围岩变形和保证巷道稳定的支护技术。
- The effect of the span of cavern, and the water pressure in cavern on stress in surrounding rock is also studied. 随着采深和溶腔跨距的增加,溶腔围岩的压力峰值的大小及峰值点距溶腔边缘的距离也在不断增加,而溶腔的极限跨距则减小。
- The large span large section of the roadway surrounding rock stability analysis supporting the proposed overall idea. 通过对大断面大跨度巷道围岩稳定性的分析,提出了支护的总体思路。
- Direct to the shortage existing in the classification of surrounding rock stability,provide a new method. 针对目前围岩稳定性分类方法存在的不足,给出一新的分类法。
- Based on the idea,a new extensible bolt is designed for large deformation support of surrounding rock. 室内与现场试验证实了新型可伸长锚杆协调围岩大变形的优良性能,可在围岩大变形支护中推广应用。
- It is pointed out that deformation of the surrounding rock has the characters of time pertinence and space pertinence. 结果显示隧道开挖后围岩的变形具有时间相关性和空间相关性。