- An unbroken view of an entire surrounding area. 全景包括周围所有区域的全部画景
- The neighborhood or surrounding area; the environs. 附近相邻或周围地区; 附近地区
- A surrounding area, especially of a city. 郊区周围的地区,尤指城市周围
- The farm and surrounding area was flooded. 农场和周围地区遭洪水淹没。
- He building fire lit up the surrounding area. 楼的大火照亮了周围地区。
- Is there any danger in your surrounding area? 你周围的地区有危险吗?
- A surrounding area; a background. 背景周围的地区;背景
- Authorities have evacuated the surrounding area. 官方已经撤离(搭配问题,撤离区域?)
- I am the director surrounding area. 我是主持人方圆。
- A big factory will be able to help the entire surrounding area. 一个大厂就可以带动周围一片。
- A mare on the moon having rock of greater density than that of the surrounding area, thus exerting a slightly higher gravitational force. 质量密集月球上的阴暗部,其内部岩石比周围地区的岩石的密度大,因此产生略大些的引力
- And the news about him spread throughout the surrounding area. 于是耶稣的名声传遍了周围地方。
- II. The surrounding area of Baodai Bridge does not suit its image. 问题二:周边环境与宝带桥的名气不和谐.
- Another 200,000 have settled in the surrounding area. 另外200000人已经在周围地区居住下来。
- The police are keeping the surrounding area under surveillance. 警方正在对附近的区域进行查控。
- A fence should be put at surrounding area of SLP for security. 出于安全原因应在SLP 区周围设置围栏。
- A spot in boggy land that is softer or more solid than the surrounding area. 沼泽中的软地在一片沼泽地中比周围地区柔软或坚固的地方
- There are tons of local festivals and carnivals in towns and surrounding areas. 各个城市总是有各种各样的节日、庆典、展出。
- To integrate the development of the special district and the surrounding area. 整合特定区与周边环境之发展。
- I do not know if Dr Kissinger took the time to explore the surrounding area. 我不知道基辛格博士是否花时间去周围的地方看过。