- The garrison was starved into surrender. 卫戍部队因遭到断粮而投降。
- It was shameful of them to surrender. 他们投降是可耻的。
- We would rather die than surrender. 我们宁死而不投降。
- A white flag is used as a token of surrender. 白旗是用作投降的信号。
- He was ordered to surrender his gun. 他被命令交出他的枪。
- The enemy had to cave in and surrender. 敌人只好屈服投降。
- The surrender of the soldiers saved themselves from being killed. 士兵们的投降使他们免遭杀戮。
- The enemy were forced to make an unconditional surrender. 敌军被迫无条件投降。
- I surrender my claim to the money. 我放弃索取这笔钱的权利。
- He was lured into surrender by the enemy. 他被敌人诱降了。
- A document containing the terms of surrender. 投降协议书包含投降条件的一份文件
- They had at last to cave in and surrender. 他们最后不得不屈服投降。
- The enemies were summoned to surrender. 敌人被招降了。
- He spread his arms over his head in surrender. 他高举双手投降了。
- They have agreed on the terms of surrender. 他们就投降条件达成了协议。
- Couldn't you surrender under such pressure? 在施加这种压力下,你能不屈服吗?
- The detective bullhorned the gunman to surrender. 侦探用手提式扩音器向持枪歹徒发话让他投降。
- They tried to starve the enemy into surrender. 他们试图把敌人饿投降了。
- We shall never surrender our liberty. 我们决不会放弃自由。
- The white flag is a symbol of a truce or surrender. 白旗表示停战或投降。