- The surface soil samples with a set of 0-5cm and 5-20 cm depth were collected from Beijing,Taiyuan, Shijiazhuang, and Jinan of China in early 1990. The samples were analyzed for239,240 Pu, 241Am and 137Cs. 分别从北京、太原、石家庄和济南地区采集了深度为0-5和5-20cm的土壤样品;进行了~(239;240)pu、~(241)Am、~(137)Cs、~(40)K以及天然铀、钍系放射性核素的测定.
- 20 surface soil samples in Pinus bungeana of Xiaolongshan Tianshui were collected for isolation and genus identification of fungi by dilution-plate method. 摘要在样地调查的基础上,在小陇山白皮松分布区采集表土土样20个,采用稀释平板计数法对真菌进行了分离,并进一步鉴定到属。
- surface soil samples 花粉捕捉器
- Sally sells soil samples at the soil store. 萨莉在土壤商店卖泥土标本。
- Representative four soil samples were collected from the top 20 cm layer after removing surface vegetation. 具有代表性的四种土壤样品从掀开地表植被下面的20厘米顶层采集。
- Sometimes there are seashells in the soil samples Sally sells. 有时在萨莉出售的泥土标本中有贝壳。
- This paper collected 36 soil samples of typical surface features within the waste land in Haizhou Opencast Coalmine in Fuxin City. 以阜新海州露天煤矿排土场作为研究对象,选取了36个采样点。
- NASA's Phoenix spacecraft earlier this summer detected the chemical perchlorate, a highly oxidizing salt, in soil samples dug up from near the Martian surface. NASA的凤凰航天飞机在初夏采集的火星表面的土壤样本中检测到化学物高氯酸盐,一种高度氧化盐。
- The probe of the space shuttle got a lot of soil samples of the moon. 宇宙飞船的取样器收集到很多月球的土壤样品。
- Soil sampling error in agricultural environment. 农业环境中土壤取样误差研究。
- The surface soil and the unconsolidated mantle rock beneath it form only a thin venner. 地表土壤和它下面的未固结的风化层只是形成一个很薄的盖层。
- Surface charge properties of five soil samples from zonal soils in China were studied by the improved Schofield method and potential titration method. 用改进的Schofield法、盐滴定法等方法研究测定了我国中南地区 5种不同地带性土壤的表面电荷特性。
- The uncertainty of chlorine content in soil samples determined by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry has been evaluated. 摘要用实例对X射线荧光光谱法测定土壤样品中氯的不确定度进行了评定。
- The runoff sediment has higher clay content than the surface soil, andthe splash soil has higher fine sand content. 通过对侵蚀上壤的颗粒组成分析表明,侵蚀对土壤颗粒具有选择性,径流侵蚀泥沙中粘粒含量比侵蚀表土含量高,溅蚀泥沙中细沙粒含量变高。
- Bare soil is protected from the impact of rainfall which can cause surface soil crusting, compaction, and erosion. 塑料薄膜覆盖使裸土免受降雨引起的表土结壳、压实和侵蚀。
- The Russian spacecraft will touch down on the Martian moon Phobos and collect soil samples for return to Earth. 而俄国探测器则将在火星最大的卫星"火卫一"上登陆,采集土壤样品然然后带回地球研究。(国媒体报道说,"火卫一探测器"装载的土壤采样设备将由香港理工大学提供。
- In addition, surface soil in the front of anchorage uplifts and moves forward with an increase of additional stress. 锚碇前面表层土体出现隆起和向前水平位移,水平向附加应力增大;
- Soiled samples need aging before cleaning to complete soil fiber interactions. 沾污的样品在清洁之前须经过一段老化时间,使其完成污垢与纤维相互作用。
- There is plenty of salt in surface soil of Yellow River delta, which makes soil hardened and salinized. 摘要黄河三角洲表层土壤中的大量盐类物质可以造成土壤的板结化、盐渍化、砂僵化。