- Effect on Surface Runoff Coefficient of Different Vegetation Types in Jinyun Mountain of Chongqing 重庆缙云山不同植被类型对地表径流系数的影响
- surface runoff coefficient 地表径流系数
- The catchment area played a dominant role in determining surface runoff. 结果表明,汇水区面积对总产流起决定性作用。
- The relationships among preferential flow, infiltrated flow and surface runoff were analyzed. 结果表明,在同等降雨条件下,优先流晚于渗流出现,早于渗流停止。
- P& S: potable water system in public area, rain, surface runoff, waste water should be discharged in separation. (1) 给排水:公共部分饮用水系统,雨、、水分流排放。
- Stripping the land in these ways allows faster surface runoff and exacerbates flooding. 这些做法终将使土地裸露、地表径流加快,从而加重了洪水的威胁。
- Finally, the paper analyzes the relations of the SDR to rainfall amount, antecedent soil moisture, and runoff coefficient and constructs two formulas of SDR for the two watersheds. 通过分析鹤鸣观小流域与李子口小流域次降雨泥沙输移比与降雨量、前期含水量、径流系数的关系得到了两个流域次降雨泥沙输移比公式。
- Increased surface runoff was found in the mountainous areas of the southwest and northeast, and in some areas along the South Coast. 地表径流量升高的地区以西南部及东北部高山地区较为明显,在南部沿海部分地区亦有类似现象。
- Nutrient content in surface runoff and sediment was highest in the beginning of surface runoff, and then became stable. 撂荒荒坡、林草间作和造林林地沉淀泥沙中的全氮、全磷、全钾和有机质含量高于其它3种利用方式。
- Cultivation of slope farmland influences surface runoff and sediment movement on slopes. 摘要坡耕地由于人为耕作管理作用,造成地表高低起伏,影响著坡面地表径流和产沙。
- P &S: potable water system in public area, rain, surface runoff, waste water should be discharged in separation. 给排水:公共部分饮用水系统,雨、污、废水分流排放。
- The result shows that the land use structure and pattern change result in the increase of surface runoff depth. 结果表明:土地利用结构与格局的变化使地表径流深度趋于增大;
- Realizing and revealing the impact mecharism on surface runoff of luce by using SWAT has important academic and practical significances. 利用分布式水文模型SWAT来认识和揭示土地利用/土地覆被变化对地表径流的影响机制具有重要的理论和现实意义。
- Surface runoff was measured by an automatic gauge and a thin triangle weir vertically installed at the outlet of the watershed. 在小流域出口处设置90°薄壁三角堰和水位计记录了地表径流过程,分析了优先流和渗流、地表径流之间的关系。
- Constructed wetlands in the riparian zone can decontaminate certain organic pollutants and nutrients in surface runoff effectively. 在河流的入湖口建造湖滨湿地,可有效净化入湖径流中携带的部分有机污染物、营养盐等。
- The released nitrogen and phosphorus by surface runoff from uplands in the Taihu Lake catchment were investigated in a case study. 采用田间试验方法,研究了太湖地区旱地氮磷向水体排放的年负荷。
- The urban greenland is a main component of city ecological system and plays an important role in removing the pollutants in urban surface runoff. 城市绿地是城市生态系统的重要组成部分,对于控制城市地表径流中污染物起到至关重要的作用。
- Surface irrigation systems may produce surface runoff.Pick up any surface runoff during fertigation and reuse it on that field or a similar field. 地表灌溉系统可能会产生地表径流,在灌溉施肥过程中,应收集任何地表径流并把它重新用于此地块或相似的地块。
- The characteristics and the components of surface runoff from upland in the Taihu region were investigated and analyzed. 采用田间试验方法,研究了太湖流域旱地氮素随地表径流排放特征。
- Urbanized Area Runoff Coefficient and its Application 城市化地区径流系数及其应用