- They were splashing about in the surf. 他们在拍岸的浪花中戏水。
- surf algorithm 踏浪算法
- Surf booms upon a desolate shore. 激浪轰隆隆地拍打着荒凉的海岸。
- Login and click the surf link in the control panel! 注册和在控制镶板中单击海浪联系!
- I surf the Internet two hours a day. 我每天上网冲浪两个小时。
- Every summer we surf the beach of Hawaii. 每年夏天我们都到夏威夷的海滨去冲浪。
- They're bidding on the Surf Avenue Iot. 有消息说他们正在对激浪大道进行投标。
- Can I surf the Internet with this computer here? 我可以用这台计算机上网吗?
- The surf's roar was here dulled. 拍岸浪的咆哮声在这儿略为低沉。
- Do you often surf on the Internet? 你经常上网浏览信息吗?
- The noise of the surf increased. 浪涛的澎湃声也越发响亮了。
- He will surf the Internet every night. 他每天晚上都在上网。
- On weekends I always surf the internet. 在周末我总是上网。
- Joel Siegel: Family films, Surf's Up. 乔-西格:家庭电影,《企鹅冲浪》。
- The south of the island has the best waves to surf. 岛屿南部的水域最适合冲浪。
- Goertzel algorithm is a fast algorithm of DFT. 戈泽尔算法是离散傅立叶变换的一种快速算法。
- Yeah, and then you can teach me how to surf. 好,那样你就能教我怎样冲浪了。
- Rms algorithm and FFT algorithm have been achieved. 实现了均方根算法和FFT算法。
- How long do you surf the Internet every day? 你每天上网多久?
- I surf every day from about 8 P. M. to midnight. 我每天都冲浪,从早上八点到午夜。