- Wuxi RIDA sealing cushion factory deeply appreciates your support and attention. 谨此代表无锡市日达密封垫厂诚挚感谢您的支持和关心!
- Unfortunately, even the news from the mass media is dwindling whereas the current situation in Burma should draw our outmost support and attention. 不幸的是,即使媒体的新闻越来越少,鉴于缅甸当前的境遇,也应该引起我们最广泛的支持和重视。
- Development of the logistics industry is highly dependant on support and attention from the govermment, which may come in the form of proper system and policy. 关于体制与政策物流业的发展,离不开政府的支持与关注,政府的作用又主要体现在体制和政策两个方面。
- Dyslexic children can usually succeed at the same levels as others once they are diagnosed and start receiving extra support and attention at home and school. 失读症的小孩,一旦被诊断出来后,开始在家或学校,接受额外鼓舞及照顾,通常可以像其他小孩一样,在同一级里面胜利。
- IF you have interest in our business, you are always welcome to call us or send us e-mail.We'd appieciate your coming for business talks.Thank you for your kind support and attention! 如果您对我们的业务感兴趣,真诚欢迎来电来函或亲临本公司洽谈业务,感谢您的支持和厚爱!
- Let's give mutual support and inspiration to each other. 让我们互相支持,互相鼓励。
- Groups require stroking and nurture and attention. 小组需要安抚、培育和关心。
- The job exacts care and attention. 这项工作需要谨慎和集中精力。
- It all depends on your support and guide. 这全靠了您的提挈。
- Her work exacts great care and attention to detail. 她的工作需要极为细心; 一丝不苟.
- EDA tools support and project support. EDA工具的技术支持及项目支持.
- These pets require a lot of care and attention. 这些宠物需要悉心照顾。
- Remember bushes require loving care and attention. 需要记住草丛关怀和重视。
- FUJITSU Support and Service INC. 富士通支持与服务株式会社。
- He drives with due care and attention. 他开车很小心很注意。
- Give me a point of support and I'll move the earth. 给我一个支点,我将转动地球。
- Honesty and attention to details. 诚信可靠,工作注重细节。
- Support and care for this program. 你们对我们节目的支持和关注。
- Without your smile and attention. 没有你的微笑和眼神。
- Support and coordinate MD's activity. 支持及协调董事经理的日常活动。