- supervisory board scale 监事会规模
- The supervisory board may independently hire intermediary institutions to provide professional opinions. 监事会可以独立聘请中介机构提供专业意见。
- A listed company shall formulate in its articles of association standardized rules and procedures governing the steering of the supervisory board. 上市公司应在公司章程中规定规范的监事会议事规则。
- If for any reason a supervisory board meeting cannot be convened as scheduled, an explanation shall be publicly announced. 监事会会议因故不能如期召开,应公告说明原因。
- Moreover the state of Lower Saxony owns 18.2% and its premier sits on the supervisory board. 此外下萨克森州持有大众18.;2%25的股份,州长位列公司监事会。
- Acer chairman; elections for the almanac of new Chairman of the Supervisory Board. 宏为董事长;选举黄历新为监事会主席。
- But the supervisory board ,called the Board of Governors,is a government agency responsible to the Congress. 但是他被称为“总裁理事会”的具有监督作用的理事会是一个政府机构,它向国会负责。
- Spiritual advice was in demand, Dr. Hubertus Schenkel, chairman of the fair's supervisory board said, particularly in the United States. 博览会监事会主席休伯特斯·申克尔认为,目前人们广泛需求的是一种精神支柱,尤其是在美国。
- Spiritual advice was in demand,Dr. Hubertus Schenkel,chairman of the fair's supervisory board said,particularly in the United States. 博览会监事会主席休伯特斯·申克尔认为,目前人们广泛需求的是一种精神支柱,尤其是在美国。
- On 4 Dec 2002, Carpet Sub-Chamber held its plenary session in Tianjin, at which newly Executive Council and Supervisory Board were elected. Vice president Yang Shengjun attended. 2002年12月4日,地毯分会在天津市召开了分会会员代表大会,选举了新一届理事会、监事会。杨胜军副会长到会。
- TWICE in one week bosses at giant German corporations have been ousted by their shareholders, with help from workers' representatives on the supervisory board. 在监视会工人代表的协助下,股东们裁撤了德国巨型企业的总裁,这种情况在一周内发生了两次。
- German supervisory boards are also often unwieldy, with up to 20 members. 同时,德国监事会通常冗于人事,最高可有20名成员。
- The decision was reached at a meeting of the supervisory board of the exchange where 17 members voted for the merger.There were four abstentions with no votes against the merger. 这一决定是在监督委员会会议上做出的,其中17票赞成,4票弃权,无反对合并的投票。
- But as Wolfgang Porsche, the head of the company supervisory board and an heir to Porsche's founder said goodbye to his former top manager, his demeanor was stern. 但是像保时洁汽车沃尔夫冈,公司管理层的领导者以及保时洁创始人的继承人与他的前任最高管理者告别。
- It cannot help appearances that Heinrich von Pierer, who was chief executive of Siemens in the 1990s before bribery was outlawed, still heads the supervisory board. 在贿赂还未被定为犯罪的上世纪90年代,海因里希-梵-皮埃尔任西门子首席执行官,而今,他依然担任监管会主席。
- The supervisory boards meetings shall be convened in strict compliance with the rules and procedures. 监事会会议应严格按规定程序进行。
- German Telecom Company announced that former Supervisory Board chairman, 72-year-old Tenzer, would become the interim president of the company for six months until Sommer's successor takes over his post. 德国电信公司宣布,前监事会主席七十二岁的西勒尔将担任该公司的临时总裁,为期六个月,直到索默的继任人选接任为止。
- The members and the structure of the supervisory board shall ensure its capability to independently and efficiently conduct its supervision of directors and other senior management personnel and to supervise and examine the company's financial matters. 监事会的人员和结构应确保监事会能够独立有效地行使对董事和其他高级管理人员及公司财务的监督和检查
- Mr Löscher may have most difficulty winning approval for those that will affect workers in Germany, whose representatives make up half the membership of the 20-strong supervisory board. 在影响到德国本土员工的改革措施上,罗旭德可能很难获得监事会的支持,因为在监事会的20几名成员里,有超过一半是职工监事。
- Allianz, Europe\'s biggest insurance group, confirmed it would bring together its supervisory board to discuss the sale of Dresdner and also halted plans to split up the bank prior to a sale. 欧洲最大保险集团安联证实将召开监事会会议,讨论出售德累斯顿银行事宜,并停止了在出售前分拆该行的计划。