- A medically supervised treatment program for alcohol or drug addiction designed to purge the body of intoxicating or addictive substances.Such a program is used as a first step in overcoming physiological or psychological addiction. 解毒疗法一种净化酒精或瘾君子体内毒素的受医疗监督的治疗方案。该方案是克服生理或心理中毒的第一步
- A medically supervised treatment program for alcohol or drug addiction designed to purge the body of intoxicating or addictive substances. Such a program is used as a first step in overcoming physiological or psychological addiction. 解毒疗法一种净化酒精或瘾君子体内毒素的受医疗监督的治疗方案。该方案是克服生理或心理中毒的第一步
- a medically supervised treatment program for alcohol or drug addiction designed to purge the body of intoxicating or addictive substances. Such a program is used as a first step in overcoming physiological or psychological addiction 解毒疗法,一种净化酒精或瘾君子体内毒素的受医疗监督的治疗方案。该方案是克服生理或心理中毒的第一步
- Does sacrum smash what is the optimal treatment program of sexual fracture? 骶骨粉碎性骨折的最佳治疗方案是什么?
- Valentina's parents then applied for the Intensive Treatment Program. Valentina的父母随后申请加入一强化训练。
- This supervised treatment must be continued regularly and uninterrupted for 6-8 months, including direct observation of drug-taking for at least the first two months. 必须有规律地继续这种监督下的治疗,并连续6-8个月无中断,而且在至少头两个月中要直接监督服药。
- Setting: Outpatient milieu-based interdisciplinary day treatment program. 设置:门诊氛围为基础的多学科日间治疗方案。
- Dr.Buse says one little-discussed issue is the sheer stress of the treatment program itself. 布斯博士说,一个很少讨论的问题是来自治疗方案本身的绝对压力。
- There are many treatment programs to help with drug habits. 有许多戒毒瘾的治疗方案。
- The optimal treatment program of irritability conjunctivitis and recrudescent cycle and precautionary measures. 过敏性结膜炎的最佳治疗方案和复发周期以及预防措施。
- Imagine a cancer treatment tailored to the cells in a patient's body, each person receiing a unique treatment program. 设想一个癌症治疗是为一名病人身体的细胞量身定做的,每个人都接受一种独一无二的治疗方案。
- Objective In order to explore the optimum treatment program and prognosis of adult GBS. 目的为了更进一步探讨成人格林-巴利综合征(GBS)治疗方法及预后。
- The child goes hives how to should be in charge of protect, what is optimal treatment program? 小孩出麻疹应该如何管护,最佳治疗方案是什么?
- The other 208 times tachycardia automatically terminated during ICD diagnosis and recognization procedure.The ICD did not start treatment program. 其余208次心律失常事件均在ICD启动诊断识别过程中自行终止,ICD未继续实施治疗程序。
- RESULTS :The diagnosis of the FDCS in mandible bone is definited.The treatment program of this case is offered and used in therapy. 结果:初步明确了颌骨FDCS的诊断方法,并对治疗方法提出初步设计并且用于临床治疗。
- A.P. warns parents and doctors against several kinds of treatment programs. 但是儿童协会提醒父母和医生一定要提防几种治疗课程。
- I supervised the workers loading the lorry. 我监督工人把货物装上卡车。
- Then he discovered that his insurance company would pay for his participation in an unconventional heart treatment program - one that included meditation. 后来,他得知他的保险公司愿意付钱,让他参加一个包含打坐疗程的非传统治疗心脏病计画。
- This treatment program is frequently helpful and widely used by endocrinologists in the treatment of alopecia, as well as hirsutism and stubbornly resistant cystic acne. 这种疗法很有效,被内分泌学家广泛地应用在脱发的治疗中,也用于多毛和顽固性难治性囊肿性痤疮中。
- Using the front treatment program of the finite element method, the mechan-ics modeles of spherical tank and cylindrical tank are automatidy shaped on the screen or the plotter. 采用有限元前处理程序,自动生成常见球罐和柱罐的优化力学模型,并在屏幕上或用绘图仪绘制出罐体的三维图形,建立起受压容器开口补强优化设计的数学模型。