- Previously, only the supermassive black hole there was thought to be able to produce these "hypervelocity" stars. 先前仅仅只认为超大质量黑洞才能制造这些高速恒星。
- If our galaxy harbored a supermassive black hole it was quiet lacking the belches of energy seen from others. 如果我们的星系停泊了一个巨大的黑洞,那么它是安静的,缺乏我们从其他星系看到的能量的喷射。
- The inflowing gas fuels rapid growth of the supermassive black hole and intense radiation from its vicinity. 向内流动的气体,刺激了超大质量黑洞的成长,并使其邻近区域旺盛地放出辐射。
- A supermassive black hole blasting is destroying everything in its path with a deadly beam of energy. 超大规模黑洞爆发产生的致命能量束能摧毁一切。
- Sagittarius A is now agreed to be the most plausible candidate for the location of a supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy. 现在同意人马座A是银河系中心超大质量黑洞位置的最有可能的候选者。
- Matter funnels into the supermassive black hole from a ring of material circling around it and called an accretion disk. 在黑洞周围旋转的物质环带叫做吸积盘,其中的物质沿着漏斗状的通道进入这个超大质量的黑洞中。
- This supermassive black hole was in the very ordinary galaxy right next door to us. Andromeda seemed to have a black hole but no bright quasar. 这超大质量黑洞就在我们邻近的很普通的星系内。安多米达(仙女座)似乎有黑洞,但没有明亮的类星体。
- The moment I could see that wiggle, I knew essentially instantly that there was a very good chance that this would be a supermassive black hole. 当我看到这个扭动的时候,我立即意识到,这是一个非常好的机会,这可能是一个黑洞。
- The Chandra X-ray image provides evidence that each galaxy contains a rapidly growing supermassive black hole at its center. 钱德拉所拍摄的图提供了每个星系中心都包含了一个超大质量的快速成长黑洞的证据。
- Ground-based radio telescopes in Hawaii, Arizona, and California combined forces to examine the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way. 联合位于夏威夷、亚利桑那州和加利福尼亚州的地面射电望远镜(天文学家)对位于银河系中心的超大质量黑洞进行了仔细观察。
- The third scenario posits that an existing supermassive black hole, contrary to expectation, exerts a strong influence on its host galaxy. 第三种说法先假定有颗与预期相反的超大质量黑洞,它会对身处的星系会造成极大的影响。
- "Supermassive black holes inhabit the centers of galaxies. 意译:特大质量的黑洞居于银河系的中心人马星座。
- Initially the gas in the cluster is very hot, and the supermassive black hole in a centrally located large galaxy is quiet. 起初星系团里的气体温度极高,而位在星系团中央巨大星系里的黑洞并不活跃。
- X-ray data (blue) indicates the presence of a supermassive black hole feeding at the center of an active galaxy embedded in the blob. 同时在X射线(蓝色)显示,云球有个超大能量的黑洞,喂养著中心的活跃星系。
- Ultimately, debris from the ill-fated spiral galaxy should provide fuel for the supermassive black hole lurking at the center of Centaurus A. 最后,来自这个难逃噩运螺旋星系的碎片,将成为推动半人马座A核心超大质量黑洞的燃料。
- In addition, nearly every galaxy contains a supermassive black hole at its center, with a mass ranging from millions to billions of solar masses. 另外,几乎每个星系的中心都含有一个超大质量的黑洞,其质量从数百万个到数十亿个太阳质量。
- At the center of the starburst rings is the Seyfert nucleus, the believed signature of a supermassive black hole that is accreting surrounding gas and dust. 人们相信,在赛费特星系的中心,存在黑洞,依据就是环绕着星系的气体和灰尘。
- Previously, some astronomers had suggested that the anomalous arms are jets of particles being ejected by a supermassive black hole in nucleus of NGC 4258. 旋臂上主要是年轻明亮的恒星,是它们将旋臂内的气体照亮。
- Did supermassive black holes need a helping hand to grow to be so big? 超大质量黑洞的形成是否须藉助于外力?
- The radio flares, imaged with much more precision than gamma-ray light, could be traced back to the location of the supermassive black hole in the center of M87. 射电光的成像比伽马射线光要准确得多,可以直接跟踪返回到M87中心黑洞的位置。