- supercomputing astrophysics 超级计算天体物理学
- National Centre for Radio Astrophys. 印度国家射电天体物理中心。
- Theories on the frontier of astrophysics. 关于天体物理学新领域的理论
- He also worked in the CINECA supercomputing center. 他还曾在CINECA超级计算中心工作过。
- He is using theories on the frontier of astrophysics. 他在运用关于天体物理学新领域的理论。
- It lists out several surveys and catalogues on Astrophysics. 测量和星表。
- The grid node of supercomputing is a main component. 超级计算网格节点建设是其中的一个重要组成部分。
- The greatest mystery in modern astrophysics may soon be solved. 现代天文物理学上最大的奥秘,或许就即将揭晓。
- Research, educational outreach, and supercomputing news. 网站简介:Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center.
- BeowulfIs this the supercomputing model for the future? 超级计算模型可用于未来吗?
- We are entering here into one of the most complex domains in astrophysics. 这里我们涉及到了天体物理学中最复杂的领域之一。
- His other scientific interests concern cosmology and high-energy astrophysics. 他的科学兴趣还包括宇宙论与高能天文学。
- It was released Monday at the SC2004 supercomputing conference in Pittsburgh. 最新排名是本周一在匹滋堡举行的SC2004(世界超级电脑)展览会上公布的。
- Nowadays astrophysics and astronomy have come to mean almost the same thing. 今天,天体物理学和天文学的含义已经变得差不多一样了。
- You could have knocked me down with a feather when the doorman casually mentioned that he had a degree in astrophysics. 当这位门卫偶然提及他有一个天体物理学的学位时,我十分惊奇。
- The TOP500 supercomputing list was just announced and IBM's BlueGene/L system has kept its crown. 每半年更新一次的TOP500超级电脑排行榜出炉了!
- It came out of the SUPERCOMPUTING 2002 Conference held last November in Baltimore, MD. 它来自在马里兰州巴尔的摩市召开的2002年超级计算会议。
- FRANK VAN DEN BOSCH and GUINEVERE KAUFFMANN are researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics in Garching, Germany. 范登柏希与考夫曼是德国甲庆的马克士蒲朗克天文物理研究所研究员。
- Supercomputing power enables PARAMICS to study large-scale traffic patterns at high speeds. 超级计算能力使PARAMICS能够快速地对大范围交通状况进行研究。
- The introduction emphasized the thoroughly evolutionary nature of modern astrophysics. 在绪论中业已强调,现代天体物理学是彻底的承认演化的科学。