- She smoothed suntan lotion over her arms. 她轻轻地把防晒油涂在胳膊上。
- She anointed herself with suntan lotion. 她在身上擦了防晒霜。
- She anointed her face with suntan lotion. 她在脸上擦了防晒霜。
- She plastered herself in suntan lotion. 她往身上抹防晒液。
- And we mustn't (must not) forget our suntan lotion. 我們不可以忘記防曬乳液。
- Take some suntan lotion with you. 把防晒霜带上!
- Take your suntan lotion with you so that you won't get burnt. 带上防晒油,以免被晒黑了。?
- Remember to bring suntan lotion or you will get sunburn. 记着带防晒霜去,要不然你会被晒伤的。
- This suntan lotion convinces the Black girl of its good effect. 这种防晒油的良好效果,使黑姑娘心服口服!
- You definitely won't get a sunburn because this suntan lotion is SPF30. 你绝对不会被晒伤的,因为这个防晒油的防晒系数是三十。
- Erik forgot to put suntan lotion on, and now he's as red as a lobster. (艾力克忘了擦防晒油,结果现在全身通红像只龙虾似的。)
- One must applying suntan lotion to one's skin when going outdoors in summer. 夏天来了,出门的时候一定要擦防晒油。
- You definitely won't get a sunburn because this suntan lotion is SPF( sun protection factor)30. 你绝对不会被晒伤的,因为这个防晒油的防晒系数是三十。
- Packing your beach towel and suntan lotion will not, by itself, make you Hemingway. 装上你的沙滩巾和防晒霜本身不会让你变成海明威。
- You are advised to bring a hat, umbrella, suntan lotion or anything that prevents sunburn. 夏季天气炎热,请准备遮阳帽或遮阳伞,及其它防晒用品。
- Merely travelling abroad, however, was not enough. You do have to live there. Packing your beach towel and suntan lotion will not, by itself, make you Hemingway. 但是,仅仅去国外旅游是不够的。你必须要在那里生活。单单把你的沙滩浴巾和晒黑油塞进背包是不会让你成为海明威的。
- A liberal slathering of suntan lotion gave one woman more protection than she bargained for, allowing her to slip out of the grasp of a would-be rapist, police near Los Angeles said. 大方涂抹防晒乳液,给一名女子意想不到的更多保护,让她从一名可望得逞的强暴犯掌握中滑走,洛杉矶附近的警方说。
- a suntan lotion with a protection factor of 10 防护系数为10的防晒油
- Smeared the suntan lotion on my face and arms 抹防晒乳液在我的脸上及手
- She smoothed suntan lotion over her arms 她轻轻地把防晒油涂在胳膊上