- sunspot cycle of trough value 太阳黑子谷值年周期
- This is the cycle of economic booms and slumps. 这是经济繁荣和经济萧条的周期变化。
- He studied the cycle of events leading to the Great Depression. 他研究了导致大萧条的一系列事件。
- A cycle of the sun takes a year. 太阳循环周期需要一年。
- On the Business Cycle of the New Economy in U.S. 美国新经济周期研究。
- Is the cycle of economic booms and slumps. 这是经济繁荣和经济萧条的周期变化。
- A year constitutes a cycle of the seasons. 一年由四季的周期循环组成
- And it's based on the sunspot cycle theory that the Mayans put together, and we are definitely in a sunspot cycle... 根据玛雅人编纂的太阳黑子周期理论,我们肯定是在一个太阳黑子周期中...
- A single complete cycle of such motion. 旋转一圈
- The next sunspot cycle will be between 30 percent to 50 percent more intense than the last one, scientists said Monday. 据美联社3月6日报道,美国科学家6日表示,下一个太阳活动周期与上一个太阳活动周期相比,其强度将增加30%25至50%25。
- A single cycle of such a disturbance. 这种振动的一个周期
- Right now the sun is in the most dormant phase (so-called solar minimum) of its 11-year sunspot cycle. 在11年的太阳黑子周期中,当前的太阳正处于休眠最深的状态(太阳活动最小期)。
- One cycle of processing a body of data. 处理数据体的一个周期。参阅sortpass。
- The subsurface meridional flow plays an important role in the dynamics of the sunspot cycle. 次表面的子午流在黑子周期上扮演了重要的角色。
- The life cycle of clay is limited. 它的使用周期是有限的。
- The variation of the subsurface meridional flow plays an important dynamical role in the sunspot cycle. 这种次表面的子午流随黑子周期的变化,显示子午流在黑子周期中扮演重要的角色。
- The life cycle of Sparganum is unknown. 无头蚴(绦虫)属的生活史尚不了解。
- What is the life cycle of Sarcoptes scabiei ? 什么是生命周期疥螨?
- How can they stop the unending cycle of violence? 他们如何才能结束这种无休止的暴力事件?
- Accurately predicting the intensity of the sunspot cycle, which occurs about every 11 years, allows scientists to anticipate solar storms. 太阳黑子的活动是周期性的,其平均周期约为11年。