- reflected rays of the setting sun; evening glow; sunset glow 夕阳反照
- The sunset glow is very beautiful. 太阳的余辉非常美丽。
- The sunset glow is just like a picture. 晚霞恰如一幅图画。
- The sunset glow tinted the sky red. 晚霞染红了天空。
- In spring the sunset glow glorified the wild field. 轻霞遍春野
- The evening glow rubified the sky. 晚霞染红了天空。
- There was only a trace of sunset glow left on the horizon. 天边只留下一抹残照。
- It's such beautiful scene.If all the people in the world stop to see a sunset glow even for one minute, everyone will feel happ... 题目:How To Live(如何生活) 高雄市,复华国中二年一班蔡青桥Why couldn't people just look up at the sky above?
- The billowing beacon, frames in the river bank evening glow. 滚滚的烽烟,定格在江岸的夕照里。
- The splendid evening glow in the sky means another fine day tomorrow. 灿烂的晚霞预示明天又是好天气。
- Sunset, the sunset glow all over the sky, reflected on the red earth a small brook.... 日落时分,晚霞满天,映红了大地上的一条小小的溪流。...
- Though Xiaowang has turned off the light, the sunset glow keeps glittering for a while. 虽然小王关了电灯,但余辉仍闪亮了一小会儿。
- The delicate incapable sunset glow, the makeshift bed on the ground sprinkles gently in earth that generous carrying on the back. 柔弱无力的夕晖,轻轻地铺洒在大地那宽厚的背上。
- The sunset glow illuminates father's face, on the face the wrinkle is gleaming, the father herds the skill to be vigorous, the story which herds cannot say, yi, yi, yi. 晚霞照亮阿爸的脸,脸上皱纹亮闪闪,阿爸放牧身手多矫健,放牧的故事讲不完呀,啊嗬咿,啊嗬咿,啊嗬咿。
- The winter evening glow sprinkles on the gates ofBeijingtraditional Siheyuan .It makes you feel gentle, warm and reminiscent. 冬日夕阳余晖洒落在北京古老的四合院的小门楼上,使人感受到一种亲切、温馨、怀旧的情愫。
- When I woke up in my futon, I mean, I was awakened because of the air raid, it was midnight, but the sky was dyed in red, no, pink, like an evening glow. 每当我从蒲团上醒来,我是说,被空袭惊醒醒,那常常是午夜时分,天空被染成了红色,不,是粉红色,仿佛是联欢会上的焰火。
- Thank you . Here is Fish Wonder at Huagang Crook and over there you can see miles of lotus flowers dance in the breeze as sunset glow fringes the clouds. So we call it lotus in the Breeze near Quyuan Garden. 谢谢,这里是花港观鱼,在那边你能看到大片的荷花随着微风起舞特别在日落时,余辉给云彩勾出金边就更美了,我们因此称它为曲院风荷。
- I watch the fish frolickingly at play in the pond /The limpid waters the trees casting shadows on/In the sunset glow I see scales gleaming purple/All around me are ripples rippling gently round. “观鱼碧潭上/木落潭水清/日暮紫鳞跃/圆波处处生。”
- If describes the yellow with a picture, that is in a sunset glow sunflower positive sense remote not well-known place, this form gradually pale to extreme, actually engraves in the moral nature. 如果用一幅画来形容黄色,那就是晚霞中的向日葵正指向一个遥远不知名的地方,这身影渐渐淡到了极处,却又刻在心底。
- The evening glow there is like a patch of red leaves fallen on the ground covered with golden dust.Under the sloping sunrays the hills become dark brown, as if they were rocks among sea of clouds. 晚霞如同一片赤红的落叶坠到铺着黄尘的地上,斜阳之下的山冈变成了暗紫,好像是云海之中的礁石。