- sunk well without bailing 不排水沉井
- We ca ot work well without a proper plan. 如果计划不好,我们的工作就做不好。
- We can get on perfectly well without her. 我们没有她也能干得很好。
- I can not do it well without your help. 没有你的帮助我就干不好。
- A business can't do well without good management. 没有好的管理,生意是不可能做好的。
- He performed very well without any jitters. 他表演的很好,没有任何怯场。
- The judge in Tallahassee, Fla. threw the book at the Columbian drug kingpin and sentenced him life imprisonment without bail plus 120years. 佛罗里达州塔拉哈西市法官判哥伦比亚毒枭首脑最重刑罚:无期徒刑,不得保释,另加120年监禁。
- However, I can get on very well without your interest. 哼,你不感兴趣,我照样过得很好。
- If you can be well without health you may be happy without virtue. 如果不健康而能强强壮壮,那么无美德也可快快乐乐。
- Helping bankers is not an end in itself.If the government could save the credit markets without bailing out the bankers, it should do so.But it cannot. 给银行家以援助本身不是目的,如果政府可以不用援助银行家就可以挽救信贷市场,那么政府肯定会这么做,但是事实并非如此。
- A manmay love his house well without riding on the ridge. 有宝何必人前夸。
- Boston medical student is being held without bail on murder, armed robbery and kidnapping charges. 一名波士顿医学系的学生因犯盗窃罪,绑架罪被捕,并不许保释。
- In the course of excavating and constructing the underwater bridge foundation of Hangzhou Canal Bridge,the steel reinforced concrete sunk well is used as the enclosure method. 杭州运河桥水下桥基开挖施工中,采用了钢筋混凝土沉井作为围护的方法,该文对沉井构造进行了设计计算,介绍了施工工艺。
- A man may love his house well without riding on the ridge. 一个人尽可以欣赏自己的房子而不必骑在屋顶上夸耀。
- The judge in Tallahassee,Fla. threw the book at the Columbian drug kingpin and sentenced him life imprisonment without bail plus 120years. 佛罗里达州塔拉哈西市法官判哥伦比亚毒枭首脑最重刑罚:无期徒刑,不得保释,另加120年监禁。
- You can live perfectly well without higher goal in life. 人生就算没有明确的目的也能活得很好。
- He claims on bail, Saipan, but the prosecution case that this is significant, without bail, the court did not agree to bail. 他声请保释,但塞班岛检方认为这是重大案件,不得保释,法院也未同意保释。
- The boat will sink unless we bail out. 我们要不把积水清除掉,船就要沉了。
- Florida man is being held without bail after an alleged assassination threat against democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama. 一名佛罗里达男子在被指控恐吓暗杀民主党总统候选人巴拉克奥巴马后被无保逮捕。
- I will be better without you.Darling. 说的好,顶你到首页。