- A rising Sun illuminated the impressive cloud from the east as it advanced from the west. 当壮观的滩云往西移动时,一轮正升起的太阳从东方照亮了它。
- The sun illuminates every corner of the land. 阳光普照大地。
- The sun illuminates all things on earth. 阳光烛照万物。
- Through the branches, the sun illuminates the road. 阳光透过树枝,洒在路面上。
- Artificial sun illuminates the dark side of the Earth. 人工太阳照亮另一半地球。
- When the moon is behind the earth, how can the sun illuminate it at all? 当月球处于地球的背面时,太阳究竟怎么会照到它呢?
- The autumn sun illuminates every corner of the land, it's warm but not torrid. 秋日普照大地,温暖而不炎热。
- Sun illuminated cloud bright ness 日照云层亮度
- Main Outcome Measure GDx ECC parameters,types of RNFLD,visual indices and retinal sensitivity loss of each illumination target. 主要指标GDx ECC参数及其RNFLD类型、视野参数、视网膜光敏度丢失。
- Understand that the effulgence which emanates from the sun illuminating the entire universe and which is in the moon and in fire is from Me. 你要明白,照亮整个宇宙的太阳,其光芒源于“我”,月亮和火焰的光芒也源于“我”。
- Thought is a light which illuminates the intelligence, as the sun illuminates the world. 思想是照亮智慧的光芒,思想就象太阳一样滋养着世界。
- At least they have a very superficial seeing. The sun illuminates only the eye of the man, but shines into the eye and the heart of the child. 至少,他们只有一种非常肤浅的视觉感受。太阳只能照亮成年人的眼睛,但对于孩子来说,它还可以照进他们的心灵。
- The clock dial is illuminated at night. 那只钟面是夜光的。
- To speak truly,few adult persons can see nature....The sun illuminates only the eye of the man, but shines the eye and the heart of the child. 说实话,少有成年人能看见自然。......太阳只仅仅照亮成年人的眼睛,却能照进儿童的眼睛和心灵。
- A sudden smile illuminated her face. 突然的微笑使她容光焕发。
- Flashes of lightning illuminated the scene. 闪电的亮光照亮了现场。
- The torpedo homed in on its target. 鱼雷射向目标。
- The sun illumines not that place, nor the moon, nor fire; that is My all-illuminating, supreme transcendental abode, having reached from which there is no return. 那是无论太阳,月亮还是火光都无法照亮的地方。那是“我”的全然照亮的,至高无上的,超然的寓所。一旦到达了那里,便永不回转。
- Moonlight illuminated the valley. 月光照亮了山谷。
- Laser Illuminator Target Equipment 激光照明瞄准设备