- From great to little followed : Nicotiana rustica L.> original cultivar> Oriental tobacco> Flue cured tobacco> Local air sun cured tobacco> Maryland tobacco> Burley tobacco Hearty shape leaf tobacco>. 种子千粒重排序为 :黄花烟 >原始种 >香料烟 >烤烟 >晒晾烟 >马里兰烟 >白肋烟 >心叶烟。
- Study on The High and Stable Yield, New Cultivars of Sun Cured Tobacco 晒烟新品种丰产性与稳定性的研究
- Study on correlation between chemical components and smoking test results of dark sun cured tobacco 晒红烟化学成分与评吸结果间关系研究
- Preliminary Study on Maths Modle of Comprehensive Fertilizer Measures about Sun cured tobacco 晒红烟综合施肥措施数学模型的研究初报
- sun cured tobacco 晒烟
- You would not be in bed. You would first take a sun cure. 你也不必老是躺在床上。你先用日光治疗法。
- The blend, based on Virginia grades is mixed with Mahogany, brown and Orange Virginia and sun cured leaf from India and is slowly pressed for days into cakes of tobacco and then sliced into flake pieces. 以弗吉尼亚烟叶为主料,选用棕、、三色弗吉尼亚叶拼配印度晒烟,经过多日的缓慢流程,先压成烟饼,再切制成片。
- Sichuan province and Liangshan Prefecture are joining hands to push forward the development of flue cured tobacco. 四川省与凉山州携手共谋烤烟发展。
- Output of cured tobacco was 2.1 million tons,a drop of 46.0 percent,or 1.8 million tons less over that in the previous year. 烤烟产量为210万吨,比上年减少180万吨,减幅达46.;0%25。
- A kiln for drying hops or malt or drying and curing tobacco. 烘炉烘啤酒花或麦芽或烘烤加工烟草的干窑
- Output of cured tobacco was 2.1 million tons, a drop of 46.0 percent, or 1.8 million tons less over that in the previous year. 烤烟产量为210万吨,比上年减少180万吨,减幅达46.;0%25。
- Qualitative and quantitative analysis was conducted to determine the neutral and basal volatile components in cured tobacco with different degrees of nicotine to nornicotine conversion by using GC/MS. 摘要采用GC/MS对白肋烟不同烟碱转化程度烟叶的中性和碱性挥发性成分进行了定性和定量分析。
- Bulk curing barn with different airflow movement direction and common barn was compared with regqard to quality of cured tobacco leaves,cost of curing,and leaf output. 对两种不同气流运动方向密集烤房与普通烤房在烤后烟叶质量、烘烤成本、产值等方面进行了对比研究。
- the zinc content of flue - cured tobacco 烤烟锌含量
- New Flue - cured tobacco variety 烤烟新品种
- the protein content of flue - cured tobacco 烤烟蛋白质含量
- The seedling have shrivel up a bit in the hot sun. 在炎热的太阳光下,幼苗已有一点乾枯。
- The eggs began to decompose after a day in the sun. 鸡蛋在太阳下放了一天后开始变坏。
- This shampoo will cure your dandruff. 这种洗发水可除掉头皮屑。
- When I left the hospital I was completely cured. 出院时,我已经完全痊愈了。