- Use a sun block lotion with sufficiently high sun factor. 使用防晒系数足够高的防晒乳液。
- All I packed was a sunhat and some sun block lotion, which aren't much use in the rain. 所以只把草帽及防晒油放入背包,它们在雨天是派不上用场的。
- In three months avoid the solarization, use the sun block lotion as far as possible. 三个月内避免日晒,尽量使用防晒霜。
- The annual use sun block lotion, will be able to reduce ageing phenomena and so on wrinkle, black spot, freckle. 全年使用防晒霜,将能减少皱纹、黑斑、雀斑等老化现象。
- Does the skin may use moistens sun block lotion, the oily skin may use the neat sun block lotion, but the sensitive flesh should use physics against to expose to the sun. 干性皮肤者可使用滋润型的防晒霜,油性皮肤可使用清爽型的防晒霜,而敏感型肌肤则应使用物理防晒品。
- Gerald Ford, who turned 93 in July, became the longest-living US president on Sun day, edging past Ronald Reagan. 美国前总统杰拉德·福特于今年七月满93岁,并在上周日这一天刷新已故总统罗纳德·里根创下的纪录,成为美国历史上寿命最长的总统。
- Check back next Sun day. 你下星期天再来看看。
- The eggs began to decompose after a day in the sun. 鸡蛋在太阳下放了一天后开始变坏。
- I lay in the sun all day and was burned to a crisp. 我在太阳底下躺了一天,都快烤焦了。
- I bought a pair of tan leather shoes the other day. 前几天我买了双棕褐色的皮鞋。
- Far From The Sun Day Of Your Beliefs 满怀信念的日子
- The sun didn't show itself all day. 一整天没出太阳。
- He'll rue the day he married her. 他将会因为和她结婚而抱恨终身。
- Fancy sitting in the sun all day! 想一想整天坐在太阳底下的滋味吧!
- She oiled herself with sun - tan lotion. 她给自己擦上防晒油。
- He had been bumming around the park all day. 他在公园里荡了一整天了。
- The morning sun never lasts a day. 好景不常; 朝阳不能光照全日。
- God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it. 上帝祝福第七天并且使它成为神圣的日子。
- He slicks his hair down with oil every day. 他每天搽油把头梳得光溜溜的。
- The enemy kept up their bombardment day and night. 敌军一直日夜不停地狂轰滥炸。