- Summer is the peak period for most hotels. 夏季是大多数旅馆的旺季。
- summer peak period 度夏
- His peak period of his life has already passed. 他人生中的事业颠峰时期已经过去了
- We employ trainee waiter to help in the restaurant at peak period. 在营业高峰期间我们饭馆雇用一些实习服务员。
- We employ trainee waiters to help in the restaurant at peak period. 在营业高峰期间我们饭馆雇用一些实习服务员。
- Flights taking off and landing, overtime flights, passenger throughput, are a record summer peak. 航班起降、加班飞行架次、旅客吞吐量,均创历年暑运的最高值。
- March is one of the peak periods for our business. 三月是我们公司业务最繁忙的时期之一。
- The aim is to reduce traffic at peak periods. 目的是缓解高峰期间的交通状况。
- Traffic congestion is really bad at peak periods. 高峰时段的交通拥挤非常严重。
- This may be a peak period for the battle against the spread of a waistline and creeping cholesterol. 今天也许是人们为减少腰围和降低胆固醇而斗争的高峰期。
- The results show that the peak periods of the rheumatic attack are almost in the late spring, early summer, late autumn and early winter. 风湿的发生主要与气象因子中的相对湿度、温度及其变化有很大的关系。
- Fruits are favorably priced for the peak period, and don't miss this golden opportunity. 水果旺季优惠,请勿错过机会。
- With domestic tourism trips July and August were the peak period of arrival, travel route fares will be rising. 随着七八月份国内旅游出行的高峰期到来,旅游航线也将出现票价上涨的情况。
- The peak period of vibrio density matched the epidemic period of vibriosis in fish. 弧菌的高值期与弧菌病的流行期相吻合,鱼体受伤或其他原因引起细菌感染也会使水体中细菌数量升高。
- Aztec empire in the peak period, almost controlled the whole of Central America. 阿兹特克帝国在巅峰时期,几乎控制了整个中美洲。
- The weekend and peak period surcharge for US/Canada route is based on first SQ sector. 美加航线价格的周末/旺季附加费收取是以第一个SQ航段的日期为准。
- To Meet Summer Peak Demand by Concerted Efforts 同心协力战胜夏季大负荷
- Peak period rates apply for departures on Friday - Sunday, e...lic Holidays &Public Holidays. 旺季在这里是指星期五到日、公共假期与公共假期前夕。
- In addition, the power generation of gas turbine degrades significantly during summer peaking hours (when electricity is most needed) due to the hot ambient temperatures. 而且,单循环气涡轮机之发电量极易受外气温度之升高而衰退。
- Reversion of 2004 summer peak load in Shanghai 2004年上海市夏季最高负荷复原分析