- He thinks the vegetable is a bit tasteless. 他觉得蔬菜没有什么味道。
- Camping in summer is just what I have in mind. 夏日野营正是我心里想的。
- It took me all summer to get this tan. 我花了整个夏天才晒出这样的棕褐色。
- Many people like to chew mint gum in the summer. 许多人喜欢在夏天嚼薄荷口香糖。
- Strategy of Summer Vegetable Production, Sale and Development in Tableland Region in China 中国高原夏菜生产销售及其发展对策
- I get a feeling of inertia in a hot summer day. 在盛夏我有一种懒洋洋的感觉。
- From a child, he do not like to eat vegetable. 从小时候起他就不喜欢吃蔬菜。
- What brand of vegetable oil are you using? 你正在用的植物油是什么牌子?
- A good hot summer could dry the ground out. 一个炎热的夏天可以将大地干透。
- Since she suffered brain damage in the accident she's been a vegetable. 自从事故中脑子受损坏後,她成了植物人。
- He swims every day during the summer. 他夏天每天游泳。
- I gave the vegetable plot a quick dig. 我把菜地很快翻了一遍。
- Silk is indeed the best bet in summer clothing. 夏令服装的确以丝绸织品为最理想。
- His summer vacation will end in the late August. 他的暑假将于八月底结束。
- Now, as to vegetable, give me a sack of potato. 至于蔬菜么,就给我一袋土豆吧。
- Arrive in summer exactly after spring. 春季以后就是夏季来临。
- Vegetable fats are healthier than animal fats. 植物油比动物油更有益於健康。
- Last summer was the wettest on record for 50 years. 刚过去的这个夏季是50年来记录中雨水最多的。
- Summer is the hottest season of the year. 夏天是一年里最热的季节。
- Severe brain damage turned him into a vegetable. 他因脑部重伤而成了植物人。