- My favorite summer sport is swimming. 我最喜欢的夏季运动是游泳。
- Among the summer sports, we like swimming best of all. 在夏季运动项目中,我们最喜欢游泳。
- Some people look forward to a favorite summer sport. 一些人期望从事一项喜爱的夏季运动。
- Baseball is a popular summer sport and there are two major leagues. 棒球是一项流行的夏季运动,有两个主要的联盟。
- Among the summer sports,we like swimming best of all. 在夏季运动项目中,我们最喜欢游泳。
- My favorite summer sport is swimming, and my favorite winter sport is skating. 我夏天最喜欢的运动是游泳,冬天最喜欢的运动是滑冰,
- By the end of the 19th century, tennis had started to replace Croquet as England's favourite summer sport. 网球是一项国际竞技运动,吸引着全球数百万观众的目光。
- Medal back to the Olympics as a symbol of a cultural project harp, and a wide variety of winter and summer sports equipment built of the arch. 奖牌背面为一架象征着奥运会文化项目的竖琴,以及各式各样的冬、夏体育运动器材拼成的拱形图。
- For many foreign people the classic image of summer sport in the UK is that of English gentlemen dressed in white flannels playing cricket all day in the village park. 在苏格兰的高地地区,至今仍保存着很多古代的运动和游戏项目,让我们一起来了解苏格兰人的传统生活吧。
- Practice Fencing, Long Jump, Equestrian, Shotput, Skeet Shooting, Gymnastics, Archery and many more whenever and wherever you want with Absolute Summer Sports! 运动项目包括:击剑,跳远,马术,铅球,双向飞碟射击,体操,射箭,想体验夏季奥运会魅力吗(小屏没有这么多项,连大屏都没有。。。)
- Tencent hearing as early as the summer sports sai off period, the Rockets will bear the Forum's fans have been discussing since Yao Ming and Tracy McGrady's health issues. 腾讯体育讯早在夏季休赛期时,火箭熊论坛的球迷便已经开始讨论起姚明和麦蒂的健康问题来。
- The principle summer sports include cricket, softball, tennis, athletics, swimming, surfing and boating, while golf and horse riding are enjoy though out the year. 夏季的主要运动项目有,板球、垒球、网球、田径、游泳、冲浪和划船,而高尔夫球和赛马运动全年都深受欢迎。
- For parents seeking productive ways to occupy their children's time, summer sports leagues offer a convenient and time-tested outlet for overabundant energy. 对于那些寻求以富有成果的方式来占据孩子业余时间的父母来说,夏季体育联合会为精力过剩的孩子们提供了方便而且经受了时间检验的释放能量的出口。
- It appears the weather is intent on putting a dampener on as much summer sport as possible,Wimbledon Tennis was stopped by rain and across the Channel,the French Open Men's Golf event the Big-time losers. 老天似乎有意跟夏季运动过不去,温布尔顿网球赛因雨中断越过英吉利海峡,法国男子高尔夫球公开赛的情况则更糟。
- For parents seeking productive ways to occupy their children's time, summer sports leagues offer a convenient and time-tested outlet for overabundant energy.In my case that meant baseball. 在这个世界上我所居住的地区(美国市郊),很多少年第一次接触有组织的体育活动是在初春的某个星期六上午。
- A study finds we are more likely to turn to the booze when we are set outside with friends and during big summer sporting events. 一项研究表明,我们更倾向于在与朋友外出游玩或在炎炎夏日里参加大型体育运动时开怀畅饮。
- Camping in summer is just what I have in mind. 夏日野营正是我心里想的。
- As with many of the other major British summer sporting events, such as Wimbledon and Royal Ascot, Skandia Cowes Week is a major part of the social calendar. 像诸如温布尔登网球赛事和皇家阿斯科特赛马大会等英国其他重大夏季体育赛事一样,考斯帆船赛周亦是一个重要的社交活动。
- It took me all summer to get this tan. 我花了整个夏天才晒出这样的棕褐色。
- Our team swept the board in the sports games. 我们代表队在运动会中大获全胜。