- Regional features of summer drought and flood in Northeast China and corresponding abnormal water-vapor transportation 东北地区夏季旱涝的区域特征及水汽异常输送
- Influence of Variation of Sea Surface Temperature and Response of 500 hPa Geopotential Height on Summer Drought and Flood in Heilongjiang Province 海温变化与500hPa环流系统的响应对夏季旱涝的影响
- summer drought and floods 夏季旱涝
- The summer rainfall is degressive from southeast to northwest of the province.An obvious difference exists with the circulation situation between years of drought and flood. 涝年与早年的环流形势存在明显的差异:涝年,贝加尔湖及其以西地区的位势高度降低,我国东部到日本海的位势高度明显升高。
- Trees provide man with wood and other products; they give him shade,and help to prevent drought and floods. 树木为人类提供木材和其他产品,供人们乘凉,还有助于防止旱灾和洪涝。
- drought and flood in summer of Yunnan 云南夏季旱涝
- Agricultural experts pointed out that drought and flood have caused crop failures in the above regions. 农业专家指出,干旱及洪水造成上述地区粮食欠收。
- Beside drought and flood, storm, hailstorm, sea tide, locust, illness and earthquake could cause famine, too. 此外,风暴、冰雹、海潮、蝗虫、疾疫、地震等自然灾害也经常造成灾荒。
- A Record of Drought and Flood Series by Tree-Ring Data in the Middle Section of Qilian Mountain Since 904 A.D. 祁连山中部公元904年以来树木年轮记录的旱涝变化。
- The distribution of drought and flood years takes on a decadal feature in year and seasons. 研究了东南亚地区旱涝年的分布规律和特征,指出旱涝年的分布是不均匀的,具有明显的年代际特征。
- Particularly in the unusual climate such as drought and flood,disasters occurred most fre... 况且,瘟疫在人口集中的城市最容易发生,它对城市发展造成很大的影响。
- The middle state is the preponderant state which influences the next year drought and flood type. 中雨年是长春市旱涝的优势状态,对下年的旱涝类型影响较大;
- Based on scanty abnormal history data of drought and flood, predication of the flood years were made . The result is consistent with the fact. 以全国旱涝灾害数据为研究对象 ;对全国水灾年份进行了预测分析 ;其预测结果与实际现象相符 .
- summer drought and water logging 中国夏季旱涝
- It is found that El Nino, relative sunspot number and sub-high integrated index in west Pacific well correspond to the regularity of drought and flood. 研究发现埃尔尼诺、太阳黑子相对数、西太平洋副高综合指数与旱涝变化规律有很好的对应关系,并有很高的相关系数。
- This kind of increasing unpredictability would be dire news at the best of times: hit by drought and flood, the land becomes less productive. 不断增加的无法预见性会成为最好的时期最恐怖的新闻:由于受干旱和洪水的影响,土地产量下降。
- Xie Jiongguang, Ji Zhongping. The general circulation characteristics associated with anomalous drought and flood in the first rainy season in Guangdong. Guangdong Meteorology. 谢炯光,纪忠萍。广东前汛期异常旱涝的大气环流特征。广东气象。
- Wang Demin. The long range prediction of drought and flood for the first rainy season over South China by discriminant analysis. Journal of Tropical Meteorology. 王得民。判别分析在华南前汛期旱涝预报中的应用。热带气象学报。
- Drought and flood disaster are the most serious natural calamities in Ningbo.Especially, flood, waterlogging and typhoon calamities cause increasing economic loss in this city. 摘要水旱灾害是宁波市最为严重的自然灾害,特别是洪涝台灾害已成为该市自然灾害中经济损失增长最快的自然灾害。
- War, famine and flood are terrible evils. 战争、饥荒和洪水都是可怕的灾祸。