- Keywords sulphonate copolymer;scale inhibitor;preparation; 磺酸盐共聚物;阻垢剂;制备;
- Study on the synthesis of a phosphorus-containing sulphonate copolymer scale inhibitor and dispersing agent 膦基磺酸共聚物阻垢分散剂的研制
- Keywords High hardness;High basicity;Phosphated sulphonate copolymer;Scale corrosion inhibitor; 高硬度;高碱度;含磷磺酸共聚物;阻垢缓蚀剂;
- The Magnify Synthesis Experiments and Techniques Optimize of A Phosphorus-containing Sulphonate Copolymer Water Additive and Its Performance Study 一种膦磺酸盐共聚物水处理剂的放大合成实验及工艺优化和性能研究
- sulphonate copolymer 磺酸盐共聚物
- Solution of a copolymer with acidic groups. 含酸性基的共聚物溶液。
- One of the compounds that constitute a copolymer. 共聚用单体构成共聚物的化合物的一种
- The graft copolymer was indentified by IR. 利用红外光谱对接枝共聚物进行了表徵。
- The monomer and copolymer were characterized by IR. 单体及共聚物用IR等进行了表征。
- Homopolymer and copolymer resins of vinyl chloride. 氯乙烯均聚物和共聚物树脂。
- The SBS block copolymer is one kind. SBS嵌段共聚物就是一种。
- Nitrile is a copolymer of butadiene and acrylonitrile. 腈是一种丁二烯与丙烯腈的共聚物。
- Metal cleaning performance of geminate sulphonate surfactant was studied. 研究了双生磺酸盐表面活性剂的金属清洗性能。
- IR analysis shows that SA is an AMPS-TA binary copolymer. 通过对缓凝剂SA进行红外光谱分析,表明SA属于AMPS-TA二元共聚物。
- ACR is a copolymer of methyl methacrylate with acrylate. ACR是一种甲基丙烯酸甲酯与丙烯酸酯类的共聚物。
- The coating material of copolymer has good hardness and glossiness. 共聚物的涂膜具有较好的光泽度及硬度。
- S/B block copolymer was characterized by GPC, 1H NMR, IR, DSC. 透射式电镜能明显地观察到聚合物的微观相分离结构。
- The VAG-BA copolymer latex can be used as mosaic floor adhesive. 用醋酸乙烯酯与丙烯酸丁酯进行乳液共聚合,所得产物用作木地板胶粘剂。
- Study on the floatability of andalusite and mechanism of which with alkyl sulphonate as collecter was accomplished. 研究了红柱石的可浮性及其与捕收剂烷基磺酸盐的作用机理。
- Synthetic rubber (SBR) is a copolymer of butadiene (75%) and styrene (25%). 合成橡胶(SBR)是丁二烯(75%25)和苯乙烯(25%25)的共聚物。