- They can appear and disappear all of a sudden before you know it. 他们可以在你的眼前出现,然后一下子变不见,你也不知道。
- Some have seen mysterious bloodstains appear and disappear. 某些人还看到不明来历的血污出现之后消失。
- Suddenly appear and disappear 忽有忽无
- An owl suddenly appeared and frightened him. 猫头鹰突然出现,吓了他一跳。
- A car suddenly appeared and knocked me down. 不知从哪里闪出了一辆汽车,把我撞倒了。
- If he does, and starts to look for you. suddenly appear and praise profusely. 如果他注意到了,并且开始四处寻找你,就突然出现在他面前,并给予大量的表扬。
- In rapid succession his friends'faces appear and disappear, last of all he sees Lewis Seidel's maddening smile. 他朋友的脸一张接一张很快地展现又消失。最后,他看到刘易斯·赛德尔那张令人恼火的笑脸。
- On a drizzly day in spring or autumn, the two peaks is an enchanting landscape as they appear and disappear amidst drifting clouds. 在春天或秋天,细雨纷纷云遮雾绕之时,两座山峰时隐时现,真是一个迷人的景象。
- Press Shift+Tab and you can make the side panels, the top module picker, plus the Filmstrip appear and disappear. 按Shift+Tab以及可操作的侧面板,顶部模块采摘,加上幻灯片出现和消失。
- He would suddenly appear and whisk me off to some excursion in the rolling countryside of lakes, meadows, and vast foresta. 他会突然出现,把我拉到点缀着湖泊、牧场和巨大森林的绵延起伏的原野去游览。
- Everyone slurps their porridge noisily, watching as cornfields appear and disappear. 每个人都是一边喝稀饭一边大声说话,看着窗外的玉米地时隐时现。
- Friction between the spinning glass and the liquid inside causes swirls of fluid to appear and disappear, displaying intricate flow patterns. 旋转的玻璃与当中包含的液体互相摩擦,形成不断生灭的旋涡,展现出错综复杂的流动形态。
- The next day, a friend from school suddenly appeared and we went to a carnival. 隔天,有个学校的朋友突然出现,我们就去了嘉年华会。
- The guerrilla units mysteriously appear and disappear in operation behind enemy lines, without the enemy's being able to do anything about them. 游击队在敌人后方神出鬼没地活动, 敌人无奈他何。
- A large group of honeys appear and disappear in it,which recalls a poem of Searia on my mind : sweet of strawberry make them captivate. 大群的蜜蜂嗡嗡地出没于其中,令人想起西尔维亚的诗句:草莓的香甜使它们着迷;
- Stand at lonesome peaceful of corner, quiet concern, pay to appear and disappear to have the slightest of repay, also willingly. 站在寂寞安静的角落,静静的关注,付出没有丝毫的回报,也心甘情愿。
- Then the cowherd hidden in the reed suddenly appeared and took away vega’s clothes. 这时藏在芦苇中的牛郎突然跑出来拿走了织女的衣裳。
- One day, when the Wei soldiers were transporting food by Mu Niu Liu Ma, many Shu soldiers suddenly appeared and seized the food. 有一天,魏国士兵正用木牛流马运粮食的时候,突然冲出很多蜀国士兵。他们打跑魏军,抢走了粮食。
- That is, until he meets the mysterious Shirogane, a man who suddenly appears and tells him to meet him at the school that night. 这个对自己说是做人型之影的那个男人,叫做白银,他说我一直在寻找你。
- Of course, the nebula is itself a star-forming region, but the stars that appear and disappear here include background and foreground stars that by chance lie along the same line of sight. 当然,该星云本身也是一个恒星形成区域,但是在这里产生及消失的恒星包括了偶然间位于相同视线上的背景和前景恒星。