- It was a near thing between success and failure. 这是一场以毫厘之差而决定成败的战斗。
- The chances of success and failure are fifty-fifty. 成败的可能性各半。
- Presidents ricochet between success and failure. 总统在成败之间跳跃。
- Success and failure begin to take on a different complexion. 成功和失败开始呈露着一个不同的局面。
- The project is on a knife-edge between success and failure. 这项工程成败未定。
- We must not take success and failure as a personal matter . 我们不该把成败看做是个人的事情。
- We mustn't take success and failure as a personal matter. 我们不应当把成败看成是个人的事。
- Hard work leads to success and failure often lies in laziness. 刻苦努力带来的是成功,而失败往往在于懒惰。
- Problems are the serious test that distinguishes between success and failure. 问题是严峻的考验是区分成功与失败。
- A little perseverance makes all the difference between success and failure. 能否坚持一下,是成败的关键。
- The difference between success and failure consists in perseverance. 成败的关键在于能否坚持到底。
- In life, we all experience successes and failures. 在生活中,我们都会经历成功和失败。
- Talks and laughs merrily, rise, success or failure success and failure. 谈笑风生,起起落落,成败得失。
- Success and failure are not a part of the new emerging unity paradigm. 成功和失败不是新形成中的统一范例的一部份。
- Success and wealth transformed his character. 成功和财富改变了他的性格。
- As a manager,you walk a tightrope. The dividing line between success and failure is very,very thin. 作为经理,你是如履薄冰。成功和失败只有一线之隔。
- The reason for this nervous anxiety was that he was now on the borderline of success and failure. 他这样焦躁不安,正因为他是在可胜可败的交点上。
- Stop setting yourself up for stress and failure, and start setting up your life to support success and ease. 别让自己再活在忧虑和失败中,开始装备自己,迎接成功舒怀的生活。
- Success and failure, profit and loss is often the difference between just some simple but far-reaching decision. 成功和失败,盈利和亏损之间的差别往往只是一些简单而又意义深远的抉择。
- Mr. Lee doesn't think there is a world of difference between success and failure. 李先生认为失败和成功之间并无天壤之别。