- Poor health may be a bar to success in life. 健康不佳可能成为人一生中取得成功的障碍。
- I admire him for his success in business. 我佩服他事业有成。
- He has had great success in life. 他在一生中飞黄腾达。
- Prospects of success in the talks were put at zero. 会谈没有成功的希望。
- There's no royal road to success in this trade. 干这一行想成功是没有捷径的。
- Our courses are the door to success in English. 我们的课程是学习英语的成功之路。
- I am very heartened by her success in the election. 她在竞选中获胜令我大受鼓舞。
- Ability is one of the conditions of success in life. 能力是人生中成功的条件之一。
- He is proud of his great success in scientific researches. 他为自己在科研方面所取得的巨大成就而自豪。
- I think of John as a sad person with little success in his life. 我认为约翰是个可悲的人,一辈子很少有什么成功。
- His mother learnt about her son's success in the newspapers. 他的母亲是从报纸上知道她儿子成功的消息的。
- Success in your job is not worth the sacrifice of your health. 以牺牲健康来求得工作上的成功是不值得的。
- Constant practice is the groundwork for success in play the piano. 要弹得一手好钢琴,经常练习才是根本。
- Good luck and great success in the coming New Year. 祝来年好运,并取得更大的成就。
- They are highly successful in business. 他们经商非常成功。
- She was successful in finding a new job. 她成功地找到一份新工作。
- Her success in business had earned her a certain cachet in society. 她事业有成,赢得了一定的社会声望。
- They have achieved remarkable success in their work. 他们在工作方面成绩显着。
- If you want to be a success in business you must be aggressive. 如果你想在事业上成功,你必须有闯劲。
- One's upbringing largely determines success in life. 一个人的教养封一生事业的成功具有决定性的影响FF。