- subthalamic tegmentum 下丘脑盖
- Subthalamic lesioning has also been tried in India, China, Taiwan, the U.K. and Spain, among others. 破坏视丘下核的做法,也在印度、中国、台湾、英国以及西班牙等地尝试过。
- Objective To study the effect of subthalamic nucleus(STN)-deep brain stimulation(DBS) on breath frequency of rats. 目的研究底丘脑核(STN)的深部脑电刺激(DBS)对大鼠呼吸的影响。
- The midbrain responsive loci were mainly distributed in an area including central gray and adjacent tegmentum,but seldom in the tectum. 中脑反应点主要分布于中央灰质及其邻近的腹侧被盖,而很少在顶盖出现。
- In the sagittal section of the T2-weighted image, hyperintense lesions are present in the tegmentum of the midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata. 图B) 在T2 权重纵向截面图像,高讯号病变出现在中脑、桥脑、延脑背盖区。
- The team injected the patients' subthalamic nuclei directly, using a drop of fluid containing up to 35 billion iral particles. 研究人员将一个包含350亿病毒颗粒液滴直接注射到患者的底丘脑核。
- The team injected the iruses into a part of the brain called the subthalamic nucleus, which becomes oeractie in patients with Parkinson's disease. 研究人员将病毒注射到一个叫做底丘脑核的脑区,在帕金森患者中这个脑区变得异常兴奋。
- These author found that destruction of per-aqueductal gray matter and adjacent tegmentum beneath the superior colliculi abolished or greatly reduced facio-vocal behavior. 学者们发现位于上脑丘之下的周边导管灰质与邻近的大脑脚盖,大大减少、或破坏了脸部运动行为。
- Objective:To study the ultrastructure of the tegmentum vasculosum(TV) in chick inner ear so as to obtain important information for its physiology and pathology. 目的:了解鸡内耳血管盖的超微结构,为其生理、病理学的研究提供资料。
- It entails placing electrodes on the subthalamic nucleus (or nearby areas) and stimulating it with a pace-makerlike device to achieve benefits similar to lesioning. 深部脑刺激术的做法是将电极埋于视丘下核(或附近区域),然后以类似节律器的装置进行刺激,获致与破坏相同的效果。
- Stimulation at this site is typically delivered at low frequencies in contrast to the high frequency stimulation required for therapeutic benefit in the subthalamic nucleus. 在这个位点的治疗刺激一般采用低频刺激而不是像亚丘脑核这样使用高频刺激。
- Limousin P, Krack P, Pollak P, et al.Electrical stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus in advanced Parkinson's disease.N Engl J Med, 1998,339(16): 1105. 李殿友;孙伯民;孙成彦;等.;双侧丘脑底核电刺激对帕金森病患者脑局部糖代谢的影响
- The gene was packaged in a virus and patients were given injections of billions of copies of the genetically altered viruses into part of the brain called the subthalamic nucleus. 这种基因被装在一个病毒患者注射的数十亿份的转基因病毒进入的部分大脑称为丘脑底核。
- In the surgery, physicians create lesions in either one or both subthalamic nuclei, deep-brain structures that, in Parkinson's, trigger movement disorders. 在这项手术中,医生将帕金森氏症患者单边或双侧的视丘下核加以破坏,那是脑中深处引起病患动作失常的构造。
- The subthalamic nucleus (STN), which is located in the indirect pathway of the basal ganglia circuitry, has been regarded as an important modulator of basal ganglia output. 底丘脑核(Subthalamic nucleus, STN)位于基底神经节环路的间接通路上,对基底神经节的传出活动具有重要的调节作用。
- "DBS of the subthalamic nucleus selectively enhanced affective processing and subjective well-being and seemed to be antidepressive.Levodopa and DBS had similar effects on emotion," the authors write. 下丘脑核DBS选择性提高情感活动和主观感觉,似乎是抗忧郁的作用,左旋多巴和DBS对情感有相似的作用。
- Methods Six PD patients were undergone DBS, implanted electrodes to bilateral subthalamic nucleus(STN) guided by MRI, and implantable pulse generators were implanted at the same time. 方法对6例帕金森病患者采用磁共振导向立体定向方法,将刺激电极分别植入双侧丘脑底核,同期植入刺激发生器。
- Objective To study the long-term effects of deep brain stimulation(DBS)of bilateral subthalamic nuclei(STN)on depressive disorder in Parkinson s disease(PD)and to discuss its neurological mechanism. 目的研究丘脑底核(STN)脑深部电刺激(DBS)治疗帕金森病(PD)合并抑郁障碍的长期疗效并探讨其神经机制。
- A microelectrode is implanted into the subthalamic nucleus to provide stimulating current generated by the lab-built stimulator that could adjust the release of the neurotransmitter. 现今的主要治疗方式则分为药物与外科手术的治疗,初期患者是以服用药物为主,当所需药物的量越大时,就必须施以外科手术治疗。