- subtendinous synovial bursa 腱下滑膜囊
- In 5% of cases synovial bursa waspresent below the end of piriformis tendon. 5%25±2.;18的梨状肌腱止端的下方有滑液囊。
- There was abundant vessels at PA pulleys, which was connected with the proximal part of synovial bursa of finger flexor tendons. PA滑车富含血管 ,与指屈肌腱滑液囊近端有血管联系。
- There was widening and lengthening of the bursae and they extended from 3cm above the carpal transverse ligament to the middle and distal portion of metacarpus,however,the synovial bursa of carpiradialis was normal. 增宽延长的滑液囊自腕横韧带上 3cm至掌骨远段止 ,而桡侧滑液囊正常 ,MPR显示尤为清楚。
- CT diagnosis of the articular synovial bursa cyst of the knee 膝关节滑膜囊肿的CT诊断及临床价值
- Establishment of an animal model of subcutaneous synovial bursa and its biological features 皮下滑膜囊动物模型的建立及其生物学特性实验研究
- Experimental study of non-synovial tendon synovialized in artificial subcutaneous synovial bursa in vivo 无滑膜肌腱在体滑膜化实验研究
- synovial bursa 滑液囊,滑膜瘤,滑囊
- subcutaneous synovial bursa 皮下滑膜囊
- subfascial synovial bursa 筋膜下滑膜囊
- submuscular synovial bursa 肌下滑膜囊
- The capsules of the synovial joints are lax. 滑液关节的关节囊都是松弛的。
- synovial bursa of trochlea 滑车滑囊
- Copulatory bursa draw out to 3/4on the tail. 交合伞不全包盖尾;至尾部约3/4处.
- synovial bursa, subcutaneous 皮下滑囊
- You who knows bursa remedial insomnia? 你们谁知道囊个治疗失眠?
- Bursitis is inflammation or irritation of a bursa. 滑囊炎是滑囊的炎症。
- CT images showed synovial proliferation of bursa carpi ulnaris,the tendines were disarranged. CT显示腕尺侧滑液囊滑膜增生 ,滑液囊增宽、增厚、延长 ,其内肌腱排列次序紊乱、分散、推移而无增粗改变。
- Primary synovial sarcoma of the kidney is a rare renal malignancy. 摘要肾脏原发性滑液肉瘤是一种罕见的肾脏肿瘤。
- A painful swelling of the bursa of the first joint of the big toe. 大趾内侧,会疼痛的肿炎。