- substitute of siliceous dust 硅灰替代品
- An atmospheric coat of silicate dust would explain why this is so. 一件硅酸盐尘埃的大气外套可以解释为什么会是这样。
- If clouds of silicate dust do indeed envelope the surface of these distant giants then they would certainly block out the signals from water vapor and other atmospheric components. 如果硅酸盐尘云的确封住了这些巨人的表面,那么它们就会封锁住来自水蒸气和其他大气成分的信号。
- We used honey as a substitute of sugar. 我们用蜂蜜作糖的代用品。
- Are cosmetics the substitute of beauty? 化妆品真是美丽的替代品?
- inhalation of siliceous dust 硅尘吸入
- Coal water slurry (CWS) is a new clean fuel as a substitute of oil. 水煤浆是一种以煤代油的新型洁净环保燃料。
- Substitution of a new obligation for an old one. 更新新契约对旧契约的替代
- The host rock conformably overlies a band of siliceous chertybrecia. 含矿主岩整合地上覆于硅质燧石角砾石带之上。
- The substitution of coal for oil is desirable. 以煤代替石油是可取的。
- The substitution of the phoneme/l/ for/r/ . 错把1音发成r。
- The host rock conformably overlies a band of siliceous cherty breccia. 含矿主岩整合地上覆于硅质燧石角砾石带之上。
- The motor car disappeared in eddy of dust. 汽车在一片扬尘的涡流中不见了。
- They are developing a substitution of this medicine. 他们正在研制一种该药的替代品.
- Sn-Ag-Cu and Sn-Ag-Cu alloys are good choices for the substitute of Sn-Pb. Sn-Ag-Cu和Sn-Ag-Bi等无铅焊料被用于取代Sn-Pb焊料,焊料材料和工艺温度的差异造成的焊接可靠性问题成为了我们关心的问题。
- The calcines of siliceous zinc sulfide concentrates were treated hydrometallurgically. 研究了高硅硫化锌精矿焙烧料的湿法处理。
- This is partly due to the prevalence of siliceous fillers in composite materials. 其原因部分是由于含硅填料在复合材料中用得最多。
- Substitution of iron forwood hastened the development of industry. 铁代替木材加快了工业的发展。
- Compared with that of limestone, the properties of siliceous material will have more influence on the burnability of raw meal. 与石灰石相比,硅质原料性质对生料易烧性影响更大。
- They are usually claret fied into two main type, namely that of siliceous rocks and that of valcanic rocks, and distributed in a certain pattern. 分矽卡岩型和火山作用型两类。其分布有一定规律。