- Most Samoans are subsistence farmers who reside in small villages governed by chiefs (matai). 大部分农民生活萨摩亚是由居住在小村落酋长(首领)。
- I was convinced that drip irrigation could be tailored to the needs of subsistence farmers. 我深信滴水灌溉是最切合自耕农需要的方法。
- In the countryside, local officials frequently conspire with developers to buy land from subsistence farmers at cut rates. 在农村地区,地方干部经常与开发商串通,以极低的价格从仅能维持温饱的农民那里买下土地。
- Subsistence farmers, who live off their harvest and risk falling victim to rapine or drought, can depend only on themselves and their children. 以自给自足型农民为例,过去他们的生活完全取决于作物的收成,一遇到盗劫旱情等灾祸,农民们的生存就会面临极大威胁。
- Bolivia is the second poorest country in the Western hemisphere, but it is rich in silver, iron, magnesium and natural gas. Two in three people are subsistence farmers. 玻利维亚是西半球第二贫穷的国家,但银、铁、镁矿与天然气矿产丰富。三分之二的人口为仅能维生的农人。
- CHHINDWARA is a hilly, rural district in the middle of India, where the main town is choked by Honda motorbikes, but the fields are still heavily populated by subsistence farmers reliant on the rains to feed their crops. 钦德瓦拉位于印度中部多山的农业区,在那儿本田牌的摩托车密密麻麻的拥堵在主城区,但是在这边土地上,人口绝大多数还是靠雨水来灌溉庄稼的贫农。
- In another sign of the distance still to be traveled, india's commerce and industries minister KN told reporters his country will not compromise the interests of millions of its subsistence farmers. 另有迹象表明达成协议还有遥远的距离,如印度商业和工业部长。
- He said that they should send food during emergencies but that the long-range solution is revolutionizing agricultural production, especially among subsistence farmers in developing countries. 对此波劳格表示:在紧急事件时,富裕国家应该提供粮食援助;但长远的解决办法,还是要革新农业的生产,尤其是要帮助开发中国家的自耕农。
- The farmer keeps hundreds of pigs on his farm. 那个农场主在他的农场里养了几百头猪。
- Instead subsistence farmers should exploit the fact that their labor costs are the lowest in the world, giving them a comparative advantage in growing and selling high-value, intensely farmed crops. 不过印度的劳动成本是全世界最低的,自耕农应利用他们的相对优势,来种植和贩售需要深耕细作的高价值农作物。
- Whereas Guatemala City has shiny shopping malls, gated mansions and trendy restaurants, many indigenous Guatemalans scratch an inadequate living as sharecropping subsistence farmers. 但是,危地马拉城的购物中心、有警卫看守的豪宅及高档餐厅却熠熠生辉;与此同时,许多危地马拉的土著居民只得依靠从事佃农耕种的自然经济来艰难度日。
- That farmer employs many farm laborers. 那位农场主雇佣很多农场工人。
- The farmer paid 3 laborers to gather the crop. 农场主雇佣3名工人收割庄稼。
- The farmer was yoking his oxen to a plough. 农夫正在用轭把牛套到犁上。
- The farmer hasn't finished milking. 那农夫还未挤完奶。
- The farmer carted his vegetables to the market. 农民用车把蔬菜装运到市场。
- The farmer has a vineyard on his farm. 那个农场主在他的农场里有一个葡萄园。
- How do they manage to subsist on such a low wage? 他们这点工资怎么糊口?
- The farmer has an orange grove on the hillside. 那位农民在山坡上拥有一片桔子园。
- Subsistence is not possible in such conditions. 在这种情况下是无法生存的。