- Management buyout and holding share II. 经营管理层收购与持股2。
- Placement is completed, will hold shares in the color TZN12.29% stake, becoming the largest shareholder of TZN. 配售完成后,中色股份将持有TZN12.;29%25的股份,成为TZN第一大股东。
- Nor that bankers' base salaries are low relative to other professions and that they have suffered heavy losses by holding shares in their employers. 更不用提,与其他职业相比银行业者的底薪较低且他们也因持有其公司的股票而遭受严重的损失。
- Article 6 Purchasing shares with capital means the method of holding shares by which the employees obtain part or all of the company's property rights non-gratuitously. 第六条出资购股是指内部员工有偿取得公司的部分或全部产权的持股方式。
- In addition, the Castrol 300 in Shanghai and Shenzhen, Dresdner selected, Bo, when the tertiary industry in the same period of holding shares in more than 1,000. 此外,嘉实沪深300、德盛精选、博时第三产业的同期持股量都在1000万股以上。
- The implementation of this ruling, the Central Plains the media will together hold shares of listed companies, 4794.96 non-tradable shares. 本次裁定执行后;中原传媒将合计持有上市公司4794.;96万股的非流通股。
- On the other hand,a bearish investor who does not hold shares will have no way of putting his money where his belief is since short selling is not allowed. 如果他未持有任何股票,当局又不许卖空,不能利用自己的“高见”得利。
- On the other hand, a bearish investor who does not hold shares will have no way of putting his money where his belief is since short selling is not allowed. 反之,假设他对股市的全盘平均走势看跌。 如果他未持有任何股票,当局又不许卖空,他除了在场外穷叫嚷之外,不能利用自己的“高见”得利,诚然可惜。
- These BVI Companies are legal entities mainly engaged in investment in the British Virgin Islands, and hold shares in the non-joint ventures of Wahaha and Danone. 这些BVI公司是英属维尔京群岛主要从事投资的法人公司,持有娃哈哈与达能非合资公司的股份,与达能既无业务往来,又无财产纠纷。
- A board of directors controls corporate policies. The directors appoint top company officers. The directors might or might not hold shares in the corporation. 董事会控制公司的政策方针。董事任命公司高级主管。主管们既可以有也可以没有公司股份。
- Record-date is the date brokers record holders info, only those hold shares before that date will receive dividentEx-date is the date companies really pay divident. 你还没注册?或者没有登录?这篇文章要求至少是本站的注册会员才能阅读!
- Shareholders that hold shares of listed companies may, through sponsorship of a sponsor, apply to the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) to offer exchangeable bonds. 一、持有上市公司股份的股东,可以经保荐人保荐,向中国证监会申请发行可交换公司债券。
- Take" Guangdong Meidi" as example, we get result that intramural person holding share and management performance display positive relation. 以“广东美的”为案例,得出内部人持股与经营绩效存在正相关关系。
- Iran Investment Company is a corporation, with several subsidiary holdings. 伊朗投资公司是由几个子公司共同合作形成的。
- Mr Smith told me to hold on to my oil shares. 史密斯先生叫我不要卖掉石油股票。
- Dummy Shareholder A person who holds shares in his or her name, but the shares are really owned by someone else. 名义股东指股份在其名下持有,但股份其实属于其他人的股东。
- The MPG holds shares in some of them bringing an additional value created through TT and licensing. MPG在它们当中的一些公司里占有股份,因此,通过技术转让和许可,也创造了一些附加的价值。
- For example, suppose a covered call fund holds shares in Acme Group, which are trading at 100p on April 1. 备兑买入基金利用衍生品来降低(而非增加)投资组合的风险。
- After this reduction, Shenhua Holdings shares held by the company 7499, a ratio of 6.86% shareholding. 本次减持后,申华控股持有公司7499万股,持股比例为6.;86%25。
- John told Jack to hold onto his oil shares. 约翰叫杰克不要卖掉石油股票。