- subpolar anticyclone 副极地反气旋
- A center of high atmospheric pressure; an anticyclone. 高气压中心;高气压圈。
- The anticyclone weather situations are more favorable than the cyclonic ones. 反气旋天气情况比气旋天气情况更有利些。
- Oceanic Response to Changes in the Latitude of the Southern Hemisphere Subpolar Westerly Winds. 南半球亚极地西风纬度变化的海洋反映。
- In this area the climate changes from cool, humid, and subpolar to the frozen conditions of Antarctica. 这个地区气候变化很大,副极地气候的凉爽湿润,到南极洲的冰天雪地。
- Unlike a low-pressure center, which may be composed of two or more air masses, an anticyclone usually consists of a single air mass. 与低压中心不同(它可能由两个或两个以上的气团所组成),反气旋通常只由单一的气团构成。
- Second is the anticyclone this happens when winds form a wind system around a high. 第二种是反气旋,当围绕高压中心形成风系统时出现反气旋。
- On the 14th of September, an unexpected anticyclone changed the weather pattern. 在9月14日的时候,一个意想不到的高气压改变了这样的天气。
- This makes the anticyclone more powerful and larger in size than the cyclone in the heating are and to its north. 因而显著的高、低压中心均出现在热源区的北侧,且高压中心强于低压中心。
- Polar Biology presents results of studies in plants, animals, and micro-organisms of marine, limnic and terrestrial habitats in polar and subpolar regions of both hemispheres. 该期刊发表南极和南极区域的动植物、海洋微生物、生境的最新研究成果。
- It is expected that PHANFONE will travel NE along the NW periphery of an anticyclone SE of the system. 预料巴蓬将沿在它东南面的反气旋之西北部向东北移动。
- Companies with "concentrate, carefully and make a fine as the purpose, with high-quality products and perfect service, win subpolar and overseas customers approval and support. 公司以'专心、精心、 做好、做精 作为宗旨; 凭著优质的产品和完善的服务; 赢得海内及海外客户认同与技持.
- As the equatorial anticyclone is weakening, KROSA will be able to move NW in the next 48 - 72 hours. 赤道反气旋正在减弱中,而罗莎将可于未来48至72小时向西北移动。
- The cold Humboldt Current and the anticyclone of the Pacific are essential to keep the dry climate of the Atacama. 因为水很少,一般以为沙漠荒凉无生命,有“荒沙”之称。
- In the Southern Hemisphere an anticyclone circulates counterclockwise around the high-pressure center, as contrasted to the Northern Hemisphere. 在南半球,反气旋绕高压中心反时针方向吹,与北半球情况相反。
- When the air pressure in a region is higher than its surrounding, it is called an anticyclone or an area of high pressure. 当地区的大气压力比其外围高时,便称之为反气旋或高气压。
- The original version of the IAP/LASG GOALS climate model does not provide satisfied simulation of the western Pacific subtropical anticyclone. 原有IAP/LASG GOALS气候模式对西太平洋副高模拟中存在误差。
- Subject to the anticyclone anchored in central China, 21W will move along its southeastern periphery in a SW to WSW direction in the next 72 hours. 受到在中国大陆的一个反气旋影响,21W将于未来72小时沿该反气旋的东南部向西南或西南偏西移动。
- English: 446. Unlike a low-pressure center, which may be composed of two or more air masses, an anticyclone usually consists of a single air mass. 中文:与低压中心不同(它可能由两个或两个以上的气团所组成),反气旋通常只由单一的气团构成。
- Tianjin’s climate is characterized by hot, humid summers, due to the monsoon, and dry, cold winters, due to the Siberian anticyclone. 天津市的气侯,夏天受季风影响以湿热为主,冬天受西伯利亚高气压影响则以寒冷干燥为主。