- Vesper: Submarine Hunter T2, submerged antinaval unit is effective against both surface vessels and submerged units. 潜艇猎人T2,淹没潜艇是有效对抗双方的水面舰艇和水下单位。
- It is possible the ship was unescorted, because the first contact with the Soviet submarine hunters was made after an hour and their attack lasted from 1030 to 1840. 在接下来的十个小时内,“海豚”号遭到了大约九十枚深水炸弹的攻击。
- The fox ran away before the hunter shot it. 那只狐狸在猎人向它射击前跑掉了。
- They are building a submarine cable tunnel. 他们正在建设一条海底电缆隧道。
- This destroyer can overrun any submarine. 这艘驱逐舰的速度比任何潜水艇都快。
- The old hunter accounted for two wolves that night. 老猎人在那天晚上猎到两只狼。
- The hunter stalked the bear through the woods. 那个猎人穿过树林,悄悄走近熊。
- The hunter steadied his rifle and fired. 猎人端稳了猎枪,然后开了火。
- The vessel was ruined by a submarine. 那艘船是被潜水艇毁坏的。
- The ship was sunk by an atomic submarine. 这艘船是被一艘核潜艇击沉的。
- The hunter hurled his spear at the tiger. 猎人用力把他的长矛向虎投去。
- The dog drove the coon up a tree so the hunter could shoot him. 猎狗把浣熊赶到了树上,这样猎人就能向它射击。
- The submarine rose to the surface. 潜艇露出了水面。
- The ship was stopped by a surfaced submarine. 那艘船被一浮出水面的潜水艇拦住了。
- The hunter set traps to catch foxes. 猎人设陷阱捕捉狐狸。
- The hunter snapped a shot at the deer. 猎人迅速向鹿开了一枪。
- Submarine cables were laid across the Atlantic. 铺设了横越大西洋的海底电缆。
- The hunter slashed at the bear with his knife. 猎人挥刀向熊猛烈砍去。
- Can you git a fix on the submarine? 你能确定那潜艇的位置吗?
- The hunter shot the bear point-blank. 猎人直射大熊。