- Our torpedo boats bore down on the enemy cruiser. 我方面鱼雷艇向敌巡洋舰冲去。
- They are building a submarine cable tunnel. 他们正在建设一条海底电缆隧道。
- This destroyer can overrun any submarine. 这艘驱逐舰的速度比任何潜水艇都快。
- A cruiser is cruising in the Baltic Sea. 一艘巡洋舰正游弋在波罗的海。
- The vessel was ruined by a submarine. 那艘船是被潜水艇毁坏的。
- The cruiser's speed is 50 miles per hour. 巡洋舰的速度每小时有50海里。
- The fast cruiser soon overhauled the old cargo boat. 快速巡逻艇迅即赶上那艘旧货船。
- The ship was sunk by an atomic submarine. 这艘船是被一艘核潜艇击沉的。
- The cruiser was mined, and sank in five minutes. 这艘巡洋舰触雷,五分钟后沉没了。
- The submarine rose to the surface. 潜艇露出了水面。
- The ship was stopped by a surfaced submarine. 那艘船被一浮出水面的潜水艇拦住了。
- Submarine cables were laid across the Atlantic. 铺设了横越大西洋的海底电缆。
- Can you git a fix on the submarine? 你能确定那潜艇的位置吗?
- The submarine submerged to avoid enemy ships. 该潜艇潜入水下以躲避敌舰。
- The frigate rammed the submarine. 护卫舰撞击了潜艇。
- submarine cruiser 巡洋潜水艇
- A telegram sent by submarine cable. 海底电报通过海底电缆拍发的电报
- The cruiser sheared through the water. 游艇在水面上飞越。
- At the first sign of danger the submarine will submerge. 一有危险迹象,潜艇就会潜入水中。
- The pressure inside the old submarine was almost unendurable. 老式潜艇内的压力几乎是难以忍受的。