- They are building a submarine cable tunnel. 他们正在建设一条海底电缆隧道。
- A telegram sent by submarine cable. 海底电报通过海底电缆拍发的电报
- They are laying a new submarine cable. 他们正在铺设新的海底电缆。
- Submarine cables were laid across the Atlantic. 铺设了横越大西洋的海底电缆。
- A new submarine cable was laid between England and Holland . 英国至荷兰铺设了新的海底电缆。
- A new submarine cable was laid between England and Holland. 英国至荷兰铺设了新的海底电缆。
- Hong Kong is connected to 11 submarine cable systems. 香港共连接11个海底电缆系统。
- A new submarine cable was laid from England to Holland. 英国至荷兰间铺设了新的海底电缆。
- A new submarine cable was laid from England to Netherlands. 英国至荷兰间铺设了新的海底电缆。
- A telephone submarine cable is laid across the English Channel. 一条电话海底电缆横穿英吉利海峡。
- Just got confirmation. There is submarine cable cut either on APCN2 or EAC. 在台风和地震的双重夹击下,海底电缆已经悲剧了。
- The electrical test of submarine cable is an indispensable link after laying and installing the cable. 海底电缆的电气试验是电缆敷设和安装后不可缺少的环节。
- Trans-Pacific submarine cable transmission system of production, maintenance and operation of a worldwide problem. 跨洋海底光缆传输系统的生产、维护和运行是一个世界性难题。
- A kind of winch is used to draw in and draw out the umbilical cable for saving space in a submarine cable burying system. 某型海缆埋设系统为节省甲板空间而采用绞车来收放脐带电缆,但是系统中绞车的使用会使脐带电缆的内层电缆产生热量从而降低其性能。
- Nevertheless, division of a link Lu Jiya He the submarine cable of Bulgaria beforehand Ji Jiang this year finishing in September. 不过,一条连接格鲁吉亚和保加利亚的海底电缆预计将于今年九月完工。
- First conversation between Havana, Cuba, and Catalina Island by submarine cable, overhead and underground lines and radio telephone-distance 5,500 miles. 古巴哈瓦那和卡达琳纳岛之间海底电缆、架空电线、地下电缆和无线电话均首次贯通,全长5,500英里。
- It also showed that the paint system of zinc-richened epoxy priming paint associated with glass-fibre clothe strengthened epoxy coal pitch was good for submarine cable protecting. 海底输油管线以环氧富锌底漆配以玻璃布增强厚浆型环氧煤沥青漆的涂装体系应用效果最佳。
- The newspaper said the KBC plans to receive broadcasts from Athens via a submarine cable for South Korean viewers and hook it up to a satellite for the DPRK. 报纸指出,KBC计划通过海底光缆接收雅典奥动会的节目报道,然后将其上传到卫星上供朝鲜人民收看。
- Once the surplus electricity on the island, but also through the 110 kilovolt submarine cable power transmission line and network to the mainland to be out. 岛上电力一旦过剩,又可通过海底电缆110千伏输变电线路,并网向大陆需出。
- Moreover,the successful experiences in submarine cable burial are summarized,and the reasons for the successful submarine cable burial are also expounded. 同时,总结了过去电缆埋设的成功经验,说明了在沙波区成功埋设电缆的原因。